We value your input and WANT IT!, so that we can better serve you by facilitating programs that meet your needs and that can help you in your faith journey. The “TRUE Church“ needs you…
Valoramos su opinión y LA NECESITAMOS! Para que podamos servirle mejor, facilitando programas que satisfagan sus necesidades y que le puede ayudar en su camino de fe. La “Iglesia UNICA Y VERDADERA” te necesita …
TrentonMonitor.com - Official newspaper website of the Diocese of Trenton
The Vatican - The official site of the Catholic Church.
Catechism of the Catholic Church - A complete summary of what Catholics throughout the world believe in common.
Mass Class via BustedHalo.com - Learn about the details of our mass
Catholic Culture - An interesting site created by Trinity Consulting, Inc., containing resources to help Catholics live the liturgical year at home.
Catholic Encyclopedia - A comprehensive source for Church history, Saints, and just about anything else you can think of…
Catholic Answers - An abundant resource for answers to timeless questions on creation, scripture, salvation, and morals. Catholic Answers is one of the nation’s largest lay-run apostolates of Catholic apologetics and evangelization.
Ignatian Spirituality for Young Adults - prayingeachday.org
Irish Jesuits Prayers for Everyday (http://sacredspace.ie/) – Irish Jesuits provide daily prayer in sixteen languages
Prayer Resources (http://www.cptryon.org/prayer/links.html)
Scripture Readings for the Day (http://www.usccb.org/nab/index.shtml)
Virtual House of Prayer (http://www.cptryon.org/caritas/index1.html)
Virtual Rosary ( http://www.virtualrosary.org/)
Charis Ministries (http://www.charisministries.org/) –
Catholic Charities www.catholiccharitiestrenton.org
Catholic Relief Services http://www.dioceseoftrenton.org/justice/reliefservices.asp
Catholic Campaign for Human Development http://www.usccb.org/cchd/
St. Vincent the Paul Society http://www.dioceseoftrenton.org/justice/stvincent.asp
Martin House www.martinhouse.org
The Center for FaithJustice www.faithjustice.org
Center for Ministry Development (CMD) www.cmdnet.org
Spirit Juice Studios is a multi-disciplinary Catholic design studio comprised of individuals working mainly in the fields of film & video production, interactive design, print design, branding, advertising and event production.
The Catholic Alumni Club of Central New Jersey
The Catholic Alumni Club of Central New Jersey is part of a national group (Catholic Alumni Club International) whose membership is Catholic and free to marry in the Catholic Church. We are a Catholic singles’ social group. We reach out to all of New Jersey but most activities are held in the Central NJ area. Interested people may contact us via e-mail at [email protected] Please put membership or newsletter info in subject line or by mail at the Catholic Alumni Club of Central New Jersey, PO Box 218, South Plainfield, NJ 07080.
Apostleship of Prayer – Hearts on Fire – Young Adults retreat http://www.apostleshipofprayer.org/
Charis Ministries ( ) – Ignatian Spirituality for Young Adultshttp://www.charisministries.org/prayingeachday.org
Fe y Vida – http://www.feyvida.org/mission.html – for Hispanic Young Adults Instituto Fe y Vida (Fe y Vida) is a national non-profit Catholic leadership institute widely recognized as the authority in the field of Hispanic youth and young adult ministry in the United States, and the leading agent in bringing the Bible to young Latinos throughout the Americas.
Young Adult Ministry Training and National Organizations
Spirit and truth is an effective way to learn to read God’s word – http://www.spiritandtruth.org/
National Association of Lay Ministers
USCCB Subcommittee on Youth and Young Adult Ministry
Hispanic Young Adult Ministry Resources
Fe y Vida http://www.feyvida.org/mission.html
Instituto Fe y Vida (Fe y Vida) is a national non-profit Catholic leadership institute widely recognized as the authority in the field of Hispanic youth and young adult ministry in the United States, and the leading agent in bringing the Bible to young Latinos throughout the Americas.