NJ Catholic Youth Rally: May 18, 2025!
All Youth, Young Adults AND their families & friends are welcome!
2024 Tickets:
Please note: Due to Great Adventure's price increases, the cost for this event has also increased. We are sorry for any difficulty this may cause.
FULL Admission Ticket ($75):
Includes: Admission to Six Flags Great Adventure, Opening Ceremony, Mega meal food voucher (a drink, meal and a snack) to be used anywhere in the park, and Sunday Liturgy. FREE Parking Vouchers for your group (upon request)
For Season Pass Holders:
Season Pass holders can enter the Park with their pass anytime during the event, including entering early for the Opening Presentation and joining us for Mass in the evening.
Mega meal food vouchers (which include a drink, meal and a snack) to be used anywhere in the park are available for $25. They are NOT required. However, without a meal Voucher, your season pass holder would need to purchase food with their own funds. **Reminder that Great Adventure is a CASHLESS facility. **
Tenga en cuenta: debido a los aumentos de precios de Great Adventure, el costo de este evento también ha aumentado.Lamentamos cualquier dificultad que esto pueda causar.
Entrada COMPLETA ($75):
Entrada a Six Flags Great Adventure, ceremonia de apertura, el Mega vale de comida (una bebida, una comida y un snack) para utilizar en cualquier lugar del parque, y Liturgia dominical. Boleto de estacionamiento GRATIS para su grupo (bajo petición)
Para personas con Season Pass:
Pueden ingresar al parque con su pase en cualquier momento durante el evento, lo que incluye ingresar temprano para la presentación de apertura y unirse a nosotros para la misa de la tarde. El mega vale de comida (una bebida, una comida y un snack) para usar en cualquier lugar del parque está disponible por $25. NO son obligatorios. Sin embargo, sin un mega vale de comida, el que tiene Season Pass tendría que comprar comida con sus propios fondos. **Recuerde que Great Adventure no manjea el EFECTIVO.**
NJ Catholic Youth Rally 2024 |
*9am |
Gates open for Opening Presentation |
9:45am |
Opening Presentation in Showcase Arena Presentacion de Apertura |
10:30am |
Rides open! (and last call to pick up tickets!) |
Mega Meal vouchers can be used at anytime, at any food location in the park Los mega vales de comida se pueden utilizar en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar de comida del parque. |
5:15pm |
Doors open for Mass @ Batman Stunt Arena puertas se abren para Misa en el estadio de Batman |
6:00pm |
Sunday Liturgy @ Batman Stunt Arena Misa Dominical en Batman Stunt Arena |
8:00pm | Park Closes el parque cierra |
IMPORTANT DIOCESAN FORMS: Diocesan Consent/ Medical Form
May13th 2024: LAST DAY to request a Free Parking Voucher to be mailed.
[ULTIMO DIA para pedir boletos de estacionamiento]
May 15th 2024: LAST DAY to Pre-order admission tickets and food vouchers.
(you can walk up and purchase tickets the day of the event, but it may take you
longer to get into the park, so leave extra time!)
[ULTIMO DIA para pre-orderar boletos de admision. Puede comprar boletos ese dia en el parque]
If you pre-ordered tickets and would like to pay online, please follow the link that was sent in your confirmation email.
Thank You!
Si desea pagar en línea, siga el enlace que se envió en su correo electrónico de confirmación.