Recent trends in the medical community indicate that more and more young couples are seeking hormone-free, non-steroidal methods of family planning. Natural Family Planning (NFP), also known as Fertility Awareness, describes the host of eco-friendly scientific methods of family planning which rely on the natural and observable signs and symptoms of a woman’s cycle to determine phases of fertility. Couples can use this information to postpone or plan pregnancy, throughout their entire child-bearing years.
Haga clic aquí para la Planificación Familiar Natural en español
With proper use, current NFP methods are highly effective in enabling couples to conceive or delay pregnancy, depending on their intentions. Fortunately there are a variety of state-of–the-art natural options now available from the scientific community. The particular method you choose will depend on what works best for you as a couple NFP methods can be learned by attending classes, through home study, or by taking an online course.
Read the stories of couples whose marriages were transformed by NFP...
Having access to NFP-friendly physicians who truly understand and support the science of Natural Family can be very helpful, so here is a list of OB/GYN NFP-friendly physicians in the greater NJ/PA area:
Gianna Center of Phildelphia, Dr. Larrauri,
Dr. Gerald Burke,
Dr. Jean Golden-Tevald,
Dr. Monique Ruberu,
The Two NFP Methods We Recommend Most
The Sympto-Thermal method of natural family planning (NFP) is an educational program based on scientific knowledge on how to plan or postpone a pregnancy. Couples participate in three classes spaced one month apart to allow the couple to go through several of the woman’s menstrual cycles while learning the method. Classes are taught by married couples who are trained and certified by the Couple to Couple League (CCL). Couples may learn the method by taking the CCL main course online with other students in a virtual class, or via a self-paced online course.
Creighton Model Method
The Creighton model is highly effective in both its method and use as a way to achieve or postpone pregnancy. This method of natural family planning is recognized by the Pope Paul VI Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction. It is a system which enables husbands and wives to be active participants in the monitoring and maintaining of their own procreative health and fertility planning.
Classes in the Creighton model of NFP are offered on a regular basis in the Trenton Diocese by certified Fertility Care System practitioners. These practitioners are also versed in NaproTechnology (Natural Procreative Technology) to provide married couples with Church approved alternatives for common fertility problems.
To learn more about the Creighton method and NaproTechnology or to register for NFP classes, contact Kait Mayer ([email protected]).
The Catholic Church teaches that fertility is a sacred gift allowing married couples to share in God’s generosity and creative power. Children are the crowning gift of marriage, born of the one-flesh union of husband and wife. Married Love and the Gift of Life is a brief, easy-to-read summary of the Catholic understanding of God’s plan for marital love.
In 1968, Pope Paul VI issued an encyclical about procreation and human life that continues to transform lives and marriages more than any teachings introduced since that time. We encourage you to take the time to read this prophetic, life changing document called Humanae Vitae – consider it a special gift to your marriage.
Read more about Responsible Parenthood...
Infertility and the Catholic Church
There are many factors in today’s culture that have contributed to growing concerns among young couples about infertility. Approximately one in six married couples is infertile. For Catholics, there are specific guidelines about the uses of reproductive technology. Knowing the common causes of infertility, the most frequently asked questions about fertility planning among Catholics, and effective solutions offered through Naprotechnology (Natural Procreative Technology) will reduce the “fear of the unknown” when it comes to infertility issues.
Research indicates that high levels of stress, specifically the stress of trying to conceive a child, can contribute to infertility. Organic Conceptions enables couples to optimize their emotional health and well-being for conception! This organization, consistent with Catholic teaching, promises to help women and couples unlock their full potential in every emotional aspect of their fertility journey. Through their research, Organic Conceptions has found that the journey from struggling to conceive to a successful conception follows predictable stages and that knowing what to expect is empowering. These stages now become a guide to breaking through the emotional barriers and obstacles that can impact stress and hormonal balance, and weaken chances at conception.
Jason Evert on Natural Family Planning
Bobby and Jackie Angel, Why We Hate Natural Family Planning
Bobby and Jackie Angel, Why We Love Natural Family Planning
Fr. Mike Schmitz – Catholic Teaching on IVF and Contraception Explained
Bobby and Jackie Angel – Why We Don’t Use Contraception in Our Marriage
Matt Fradd – Natural Family Planning is NOT Contraception w/ Jason Evert