Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., has shared the following prayer request with the faithful of the Diocese of Trenton: Please pray for all those who have died or have been injured in the recent winter storms, especially in Texas. We pray especially for those whose homes have been destroyed or who are without power and heat and for first responders who are offering assistance to those with urgent needs. In our Lenten almsgiving, let us find concrete ways to help our brothers and sisters. Let us entrust them in prayer to Our Blessed Mother Mary and St. Joseph.
After the Readings that we hear at Mass, the reader says, “The Word of the Lord, the Gospel of the Lord,” and we respond, “Thanks be to God, praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.” Although we might not think about it too much, that is a very important dialogue. We are expressing our belief as Catholics that the Scriptures we hear and read are THE WORD OF THE LORD. Pretty awesome, don’t you think?