At a time when all churches in the Diocese of Trenton are closed to Mass-goers because of coronavirus restrictions, Catholics are invited to commemorate Palm Sunday and the arrival of Holy Week April 5 as a virtual experience via video livestreaming.
Solo quería saludarlos a todos de por los cuatro condados de la Diócesis de Trenton mientras seguimos cooperando con todas las precauciones de salud que nos han pedido seguir durante esta pandemia. No ha sido fácil, pero es necesario.
Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., of the Diocese of Trenton, will celebrate Mass for the Fifth Sunday of Lent, March 29 at 11 a.m. The Mass may be viewed at and
Crises bring out the best and worst in people and in their decisions. We have seen so much of “the best” in the courageous sacrifice of our health care workers, first responders and other essential personnel who are keeping us supplied with medicine, food and so many other needs.
Crises bring out the best and worst in people and in their decisions. We have seen so much of “the best” in the courageous sacrifice of our health care workers, first responders and other essential personnel who are keeping us supplied with medicine, food and so many other needs.
Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., will celebrate Mass for the Fourth Sunday of Lent, March 22, via the Diocese’s YouTube Channel, The Mass will be broadcast at 11 a.m. and will remain on the Youtube channel for continued viewing. The Fourth Sunday of Lent, also referred to as Laetare Sunday, marks the midpoint of the Lenten journey. The video can be watched from any diocesan sites and on
To All the Faithful of the Diocese of Trenton, The Holy See has issued a decree regarding the celebrations of the upcoming Palm Sunday and Holy Week/Easter for implementation by diocesan bishops throughout the world. I have issued a decree for the Diocese of Trenton, implementing the directives of the Holy See.
Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., issued the following decree March 20, 2020, in regard to Holy Week liturgies and other spiritual activities amid coronavirus restrictions currently in place.
At this confusing and difficult time, I wanted to assure all of the faithful that I am with you all in my thoughts and prayers. Most importantly, however, I want to remind you that God is present among us, always. Of this we can be sure. When we look at the life of the Lord Jesus, we see how often throughout the Gospels, the Lord is so very close to the poor, the sick and the suffering. He brought them healing, comfort and strength to endure the adversities they face. His only requirement was faith. The Holy Scriptures in the Book of the Prophet Isaiah remind us that surely Christ took upon himself our pain and bore our suffering. By his wounds we are healed.
Durante este tiempo tan confuso y difícil, aseguro a todos los fieles que los tengo muy presentes en pensamiento y oración, pero más que nada quiero recordarlos que Dios está entre nosotros, siempre. De esto podemos estar seguros. Cuando miramos a la vida del Señor Jesús, vemos la frecuencia por los Evangelios que el Señor se acerca a los pobres, a los enfermos, y a los sufridos. Los llevaba la sanación, el confort, y la fortaleza para perseverar frente a las adversidades de sus vidas. El único requisito suyo era la fe. En el Libro de Isaías de las Santas Escrituras leemos que Él asumió nuestro dolor y aceptó nuestro sufrimiento. A través de sus heridas estamos sanados.
God has not abandoned us and is present among us. As we learn each day of the growing concern surrounding the spread of the coronavirus in our communities, we need to have faith and confidence in God, especially in times like these, praying that He will see us through the present adversity safely.
Dios no nos ha abandonado y está presente entre nosotros. Al aprender cada día sobre la creciente preocupación de la proliferación del coronavirus en nuestras comunidades, tenemos que mantener la fe y la confianza en Dios, especialmente en momentos como estos, orando que Él nos lleve por la adversidad actual a la seguridad.
God has not abandoned us and is present among us. As we learn each day of the growing concern surrounding the spread of the coronavirus in our communities, we need to have faith and confidence in God, especially in times like these, praying that He will see us through the present adversity safely.
Obligación eclesial de asistir a Misa aliviada, iglesias se mantendrán abiertas, escuelas y programas de educación religiosa y la cancillería cierran... El obispo David M. O’Connell, C.M., ha anunciado una serie de medidas el 12 y 13 de marzo para mitigar la proliferación del coronavirus (COVID-19) en las parroquias y las escuelas de los cuatro condados de la Diócesis de Trenton.
Parishioners relieved of Mass obligation, churches to remain open; schools, religious education programs and Chancery to close Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., announced a series of measures March 12 and 13 aimed at mitigating the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in the parishes and schools of the four-county Diocese of Trenton.
El mensaje siguiente fue declarado por el obispo David M. O’Connell, C.M., a los feligreses de la Diócesis de Trenton el 12 de marzo para tomar efecto de inmediato: El gobernador de New Jersey recomiende – no manda – que los eventos en los cuales se espera más de 250 personas sean cancelados debido a la proliferación potencial del coronavirus.
The following message was issued by Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., to parishioners of the Diocese of Trenton March 12, effective immediately: The Governor of New Jersey is recommending – not mandating – that events anticipating crowds of 250-plus people be canceled due to the potential spread of the coronavirus. As Bishop of the Diocese of Trenton, I am NOT instructing that parish churches be closed or weekend Masses be canceled in the Diocese of Trenton. All weekend Masses should be celebrated as regularly scheduled. The Sacrament of Penance should also remain available. Previous instructions issued regarding liturgical practices at Mass remain in effect.
Con la preocupación sobre la proliferación del coronavirus (COVID-19), el obispo David M. O’Connell, C.M., ha anunciado las siguientes direcciones para las prácticas litúrgicas en todas las parroquias, instituciones y organizaciones dentro de la Diócesis de Trenton, tomando efecto de una vez hasta que se notifique:
Annually, on the First Sunday of Lent, Catholic bishops throughout the world celebrate the "Rite of Election” in their dioceses and archdioceses. As Bishop of the Diocese of Trenton, I had the privilege of doing so on Sunday, March 1, at the Co-Cathedral of St. Robert in Freehold.