With federal health officials issuing a warning this week about the potential spread of the coronavirus in the United States, and news coming in from around the globe about extreme measures underway to stem the spread, the Diocese of Trenton is issuing the following instructions:
Es claro desde el comienzo de este tiempo sagrado de la Cuaresma que la Iglesia quiere que nos enfoquemos de manera especial en la Pasión de Cristo como el camino a la gloria Pascual. No se puede lograr eso sin dirigirse a los cuatro Evangelios y a lo que se conocen como “las narrativas de la pasión”, las secciones de Mateo, Marcos, Lucas y Juan que cuentan la historia de la Muerte Salvadora de Jesús en la Cruz. Me gustaría recalcar una “parte” de esa historia.
It is clear from the beginning of this holy season of Lent that the Church wants us to focus in a special way on the Passion of Christ as the path to Easter glory. One cannot do that without recourse to the four Gospels and what are referred to as the “Passion narratives” there, those sections of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John that take up the story of Jesus saving death on the cross. I would like to highlight one “part” of that story.
Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., has shared the message of the Holy Father for this year’s “World Day of the Sick.” On this feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, let us pray that she will intercede for all the sick of our Diocese, asking her Divine Son to touch their hearts with healing and peace.
Each year, the Catholic Church celebrates the World Day for Consecrated Life. Instituted by Pope John Paul II in 1997, the celebration is in conjunction with the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, also known as Candlemas Day, commemorating the coming of Christ, the Light of the World, through the symbolic lighting of candles. Similarly, consecrated men and women are called to spread the light and love of Jesus Christ through their unique witness of selfless service, such as caring for the poor, the contemplative work of prayer, or through their professional careers.