Today the Diocese of Trenton would like to wish a happy anniversary to Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M. on the 37th anniversary of his priestly ordination!
Maria Goretti was the third of seven children in her family. She was born on October 16, 1890, in Corinaldo, Italy. Her father, Luigi, owned a farm and, along with her mother, Assunta, guided their children as they all worked the farm.
Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M. has released a message for Memorial Day, reminding us of the importance of honoring those people who have lost their lives to protect our nation:
En los Estados Unidos, se observa el Día Memorial, Memorial Day en inglés, en el último lunes del mes de mayo. Reconocido en muchas partes como el principio del verano, la fecha cae unas semanas antes de la fecha verdadera según el calendario. Las celebraciones comunes incluyen subir la bandera, desfiles y carnavales, abrir las piscinas, parrilladas y, para mucha gente, un día libre del trabajo o escuela. Otro costumbre común es la visita al cementerio donde están enterrados los miembros militares quienes dieron sus vidas para nuestro país.
Memorial Day is observed throughout the United States on the last Monday in May. This national holiday is widely considered the beginning of summer, a few weeks shy of the actual calendar date.
The Diocese of Trenton’s Catholic Charismatic Renewal will host its annual Pentecost Rally, slated for June 8 in Mary, Mother of God Church, Middletown.
Parishes across the Diocese will again participate in the annual collection for the Catholic Communication Campaign. Set for June 1, 2, the collection is administered by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in observance of World Communications Day.
This Friday, May 17, the U.S. House will vote on H.R. 5, the misnamed “Equality Act.” This bill would undermine current pro-life laws, including conscience protections for health care providers, and could be read to require taxpayer funding of abortion. H.R. 5 adds problematic “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” language to the definition of “sex” in the Civil Rights Act, threatening religious freedom, privacy, free speech, quality health care, and many charitable organizations.
Acabo de volver del cementerio donde visité a mi madre. Puse flores en su memoria en su tumba para el Día de la Madre. Me cuesta creer que ya han pasado cuatro años desde que falleciera. Estas ocasiones en el cementerio son momentos sagrados para mí, un tiempo para recordar y un tiempo de agradecimiento por los recuerdos. Y, a pesar de que el Señor le ha llevado a casa, ella realmente no me ha dejado a mí. Siento su presencia conmigo cada día. Espero y rezo que todos los fieles que tienen a sus madres en el Cielo compartan esa misma experiencia, ese mismo sentimiento.
I just returned from visiting my Mother’s grave, where I placed some flowers in her memory for Mother’s Day. It is hard to believe that it has been four years since she passed away. These occasions at the cemetery are sacred moments for me, a time to remember and a time to be grateful for those memories. And, although the Lord has called her home, she has never really left me. I feel her presence with me every single day. I hope and pray that all our faithful whose Moms are with the Lord share that same experience, that same feeling.
Una estatua peregrina internacional de Nuestra Señora de Fátima comisionada por el papa Francisco en el 2017 visita una comunidad en la Diócesis de Trenton. Una imagen misionera de Nuestra Señora de Fátima visitará la Parroquia San José en Toms River, el 12 y 13 de mayo. Desde las 6:30pm a 10pm el 12, la parroquia celebrará con una Misa bilingüe y una procesión iluminada por velas mientras se reza el Santo Rosario por el parqueadero. Siguiendo la procesión, habrá Exposición del Santísimo, el rezo de la Divina Misericordia y el Sacramento de Reconciliación.
The Catholic Schools Day of Service Campaign came to a close in the morning May 7 when representatives from participating Catholic schools and hospitals gathered with Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., in the Diocesan Chancery to reflect on the success of this year’s multi-week service campaign.
As celebrations of the Blessed Mother take place throughout the month of May, the diocesan Department of Evangelization and Family Life has slated the release of a newly-produced video short to promote the fourth annual Antorchas Guadalupanas (Guadalupe Pilgrimage). This annual diocesan event honors Our Lady of Guadalupe as torches – lit by Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M. – travel to parishes, schools and other locations throughout the diocese, and then converge for a pilgrimage in the streets of Trenton the first Saturday in December.
The annual collection for the Catholic Communications Campaign, held each year on World Communications Day (June 1-2 this year), invites the Church’s members to participate in and support this essential work of the Church – to share the Gospel with all peoples through word and image.