Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., is joyfully anticipating the upcoming diocesan pilgrimage Nov. 4 to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C.
Catholic voters have both a right and responsibility to exercise faithful citizenship when considering the issues and candidates they will support in an election.
More than 20 chaplains gathered Oct. 26 in the Chancery, Lawrenceville, for a luncheon given in appreciation for the work they do in hospitals and prisons across the Diocese of Trenton’s four counties.
Each year, the pastors and administrators of parishes throughout the Diocese of Trenton are required to present parish sacramental books, registers and records for review and signature by diocesan officials to fulfill canonical requirements.
In his message for World Mission Sunday, Bishop David M. O’Connell asks the faithful of the Diocese of Trenton for “full support, through prayer and sacrifice” during collections Oct. 21 and 22 to benefit our brothers and sisters in faith across the globe.
More than 20 parishes from across Burlington, Mercer, Monmouth and Ocean counties are sponsoring buses for the Nov. 4 diocesan pilgrimage to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C.
Good morning everyone and welcome to our Co-Cathedral. This is the first time we celebrate Catholic schools together in St. Robert Bellarmine Co-Cathedral. Our beautiful Cathedral is in Trenton but last year the Vatican gave me permission to name a second Cathedral --- a Co-Cathedral --- right here in the middle of our Diocese.
On Thursday, Oct. 12, every seat in every pew of St. Robert Bellarmine Co-Cathedral will be filled with students, educators and volunteers, all gathered from every corner of the Diocese of Trenton for the annual Catholic Schools Mass with Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M. But those who want to view the Mass, will be able to do so via live video stream on the Diocese’s websites.
Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., has issued the following message regarding the Month of the Rosary: “As the Catholic Church concludes its commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the six appearances of the Blessed Mother to three young children in Fatima, Portugal, our attention is drawn to her Rosary..."
Students from Notre Dame High School, Lawrenceville, joined Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M.’s, for his hour-long, monthly radio program, “The Shepherd’s Voice” on Oct. 6 as part of a new initiative: inviting young people from across the Diocese to participate in the broadcast.
In a newly published supplement, The Monitor presents its annual High School Open House guide, a showcase of Catholic secondary education in the Diocese of Trenton.
Dozens of religious sisters, priests and brothers, and others in consecrated life from across the Diocese of Trenton gathered Sept. 30 in Lawrenceville for their annual convocation.