Bishop David M O’Connell, C.M., will ordain two men to the priesthood for the Diocese of Trenton June 1 during a 10 a.m. Mass in St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral, Trenton.
The priest candidates follow:
Rev. Mr. Wynne Kerridge, a native son of Dallas, Texas, came to the Catholic faith while pursuing economics and medieval studies at Princeton University. After becoming Catholic, he first joined a religious order but then chose to enter the seminary for the Diocese of Trenton. He will serve his first assignment as parochial vicar n St. James Parish, Red Bank.
Rev. Mr. Brian Meinders was born in Lindenwold (Camden Diocese) and grew up in St. John the Baptist Parish in Allentown. A former professional poker player and chess coach for Christian Brothers Academy in Lincroft, the future Father Meinders will serve his first assignment as a parochial vicar in St. Robert Bellarmine Co-Cathedral Parish, Freehold.
The Mass is open to family, friends and well-wishers, and will be livestreamed on For on-location coverage, follow the Diocese’s social media and