Due to a power outage in St. Robert Bellarmine Co-Cathedral, the Senior Spirituality Day, scheduled for Wednesday July 24, will be moved to St. Dominic Parish, located at 250 Old Squan Road,Brick. The event will still begin at 9:15 a.m. and conclude at 3 p.m.
Look to the
www.dioceseoftrenton.org and the diocesan
Facebook and
Twitter pages for any continuing updates about the Spirituality Day.
Attendance for this annual event was by registration only. The event has sold out and there will be no walk-ins, regardless of the last-minuet location change.
The Diocese of Trenton will also be providing media coverage for this event. Be sure to check back with the Diocese of Trenton
Facebook and
Twitter accounts for real-time coverage from Senior Spirituality Day.
Look for more photos and a forthcoming story about this annual event sponsored by the Department of Pastoral Care in the July 25 print edition of
The Monitor. This fall, internationally renowned speaker and author
Jeff Cavins will visit St. Isaac Jogues Parish, Marlton, to offer his presentation “When You Suffer: Biblical Keys for Hope and Understanding.”
Slated for 5:30-8:30 p.m. Oct. 17, the popular speaker’s events often sell out early, so pre-registration is recommended. The event is sponsored by the diocesan Department of Catholic Cemeteries and is designed to help participants understand the Church’s perspective on suffering – that it has meaning, and that it is inseparable from being human. People can learn during this presentation what is really happening when one suffers.
Jeff Cavins has personally invited those in the Diocese of Trenton to this event as well. Click the play button below to hear, in his own words, what he will be sharing:
Check-in will begin at 4 p.m. the day of the presentation. Cost to attend is $25; pre-registration in July and August is $20. Participants can register online at
DioceseofTrenton.org/catholic-cemeteries; by phone if paying with credit card, 856-317-6400.
For more information, contact Maria Guzman-Paczkowski,
[email protected], 856-317-6400. St. Isaac Jogues Parish is located at 348 Evesboro-Medford Road.
For more information on Jeff Cavins, you can read an
article from The Monitor by clicking here.
Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M. paid a visit to the students enrolled in the summer religious education programs of St. Joesph Parish, Toms River July 11 and St. Benedict Parish, Holmdel July 18. During each parish visit, the Bishop celebrated Mass and shared about the importance of saying Mass for the students enrolled in religious education.
The Bishop also spoke about three important elements of the faith – Jesus, what it means to have faith and the Church. Students were interested to hear Bishop O'Connell talk about the role of a bishop and the various items that are pertinent to a bishop, such as the crozier, miter, pectoral cross and ring.
Look for a forthcoming story about the Bishop’s visit to each parish religious education program in the July 25 print edition of The Monitor.
Click here to see a photo gallery of the Bishop celebrating Mass in St. Benedict Church.
Click here to see a photo gallery of the Bishop celebrating Mass in St. Joseph Church.