IF ONE IMAGE COULD POSSIBLY HAVE CAPTURED THE AWE-FILLED EXPERIENCE shared at a five-day spiritual gathering on the Eucharist, this month’s cover image comes pretty close. Brought to you courtesy of Amanda Kleinmann, one of the participants from the Diocese of Trenton, the image shows the Blessed Sacrament housed in the monstrance and illuminated in the midst of some 60,000 attendees during evening Adoration at the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis.
While no stories, collection of photos or streams of videos can ever truly replicate what it was like for the participants of the Congress . . . we are confident that the 11 pages of special coverage in this month’s magazine will lend readers some understanding of this historic event in the life of the Church.
Read more HERE. __________________________________________________________________________
YOUNG ADULTS ARE INVITED TO A THEOLOGY ON TAP scheduled for Aug. 20 at 7 p.m. in Last Wave Brewing Co., 601 Bay Ave., Point Pleasant. Fee is $20 if registering in advance. Light food options and soft drinks will be available; cash bar. Registration closes Aug. 19. The event is hosted by the diocesan Department of Youth and Young Adult Ministries with the young adult group form St. Aloysius Parish, Jackson.
To register visit HERE. __________________________________________________________________________
ROSEANNA L. ROMANELLO, WHO WAS ACTIVE IN PARISH MINISTRY for many years and worked to provide catechetical instruction for persons with special needs in the Diocese, died Aug. 3 in Serenity Hospice at Robert Wood Johnson University, Hospital, Hamilton. She was 93. Mrs. Romanello, along with her now deceased hRoseAnna Romanellousband, Angelo Romanello, supervised the Holy Innocents Society, a diocesan program that delivered catechetical instruction to special needs individuals in what grew to be six parish locations. The couples’ work is credited for helping thousands of families since Mr. Romanello was introduced to the program in 1974.
Visitation will be held in Brenna Funeral Home, Immordino Chapel, 1799 Klockner Rd., Hamilton. Aug. 8 from 5 to 7 p.m. The funeral will be held Aug. 9 at 8:30 a.m., also at the funeral home. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated Aug. 9 at 10 a.m. in St. James Church, 29 E. Paul Ave., Trenton, with Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., serving as principal celebrant and homilist.