BISHOP DAVID M. O’CONNELL, C.M., HAS SHARED THIS MESSAGE for the liturgical season of Ordinary Time.
How often do we ask the question, “What time is it?”
With the Christmas Season behind us, Catholics now enter into a period referred to as “Ordinary Time” in the Church’s liturgy. In our vernacular usage, the word "ordinary" describes what is commonplace, "everyday" or without uniqueness or special distinction.
The fact is that Ordinary Time makes up most of the Church's calendar year, roughly 34 weeks between the first and final Sundays of the liturgical calendar. The Lenten and Easter Seasons constitute, for lack of a better term, an “interruption” of Ordinary Time before Advent and Christmas come again. There are also individual feast days and solemnities that appear in the liturgical calendar “interrupting Ordinary Time” here and there.