ISSUE: The Governor’s Budget for Fiscal Year 2017 contained a 6.8% funding cut in nonpublic school programs. Specifically, the cuts were made in security (the total elimination of the Nonpublic School Security Program), nursing services, and technology. The per-pupil amount for nonpublic school transportation remained frozen at $884.00 – an amount that has been frozen for nine years.
OUR POSITION: The New Jersey Catholic Conference and the New Jersey Network of Catholic School Families strongly support the restoration of funding for nonpublic school students and their families. We join with other nonpublic school constituencies in our concern that there is a lack of parity between nonpublic school accounts and public school accounts in the Governor’s Budget. We ask that between now and mid-June, all nonpublic school supporters reach out to members of the Legislature as noted in the Alert in order to remedy these inequities.
ACTION: Please enact the following steps in order to explain your position with regard to nonpublic school accounts:
You may use the New Jersey Catholic Conference Faith in Action – Voter Voice system which can be accessed at:
Please continue to make these contacts during the time period between now and the end of June. Legislators on the Budget Committee will submit Budget modification requests prior to the passage of the Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2017.
For questions on the issues, please feel free to contact Frances Koukotas – 609-403-7148
Download these fact sheets for more detailed information:
FACT SHEET Nursing Services 2016
FACT SHEET on Nonpublic School Security Aid
FACT SHEET Nonpublic Technology Initiative 2016
FACT SHEET Nonpublic School Transportation