ENCOURAGING CATHOLICS ACROSS THE NATION TO PARTICIPATE IN THE ANNUAL COLLECTION for the Church in Latin America the weekend of Jan. 25-26, Bishop Octavio Cisneros, auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Brooklyn, N.Y., and chair of the USCCB’s subcommittee for the Church in Latin America, said that “Catholics have always followed the teachings of Scripture and Tradition by recognizing Christ in the faces of our brothers and sisters. By helping those in need, we honor Christ and imitate him in teaching, preaching and living the Gospel.”
A program of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, the collection began more than 50 years ago as a means of financial support and expression of solidarity between Catholics in the United States with those from Mexico to the Caribbean, to the southern tip of South America. Funds from the collection will help with Catholic education in Latin America, as well as fostering priestly and religious vocations, said Bishop Cisneros.
Learn more HERE.FOR ITS THIRD ANNUAL CELEBRATION SINCE THE JUNE 2022 OVERTURN OF ROE V. WADE, the Diocese of Trenton’s Respect Life Ministry will add something different this year. The Standing Together for Life Mass, which will be celebrated by Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., at 11 a.m. Jan 24 in St. Robert Bellarmine Co-Cathedral, Freehold, will be followed by LIFE EXPO! – an exhibition in the adjacent parish hall.
Since the Supreme Court Dobbs decision that returned the issue of abortion to individual states, the Diocese has offered Catholics and people of good will this opportunity to gather locally in prayer and solidarity with those travelling to Washington, D.C., on the same day for the National March for Life. Read more HERE. Watch the livestream HERE. AS CHRISTIAN CHURCHES PREPARE TO MARK THE 1,700TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE COUNCIL OF NICAEA, the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity will focus on affirming the Nicene Creed and its expression of the faith Christians share. Materials for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Jan. 18-25 are prepared each year by the Vatican Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity and Commission on Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches.
Pope Francis is scheduled to close the week with an ecumenical prayer service at Rome's Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls Jan. 25.
Learn more about the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity HERE. THE DIOCESE OF TRENTON’S CATHOLIC SCHOOLS will soon join other Catholic schools across the nation to mark Celebrate Catholic Schools Week, showcasing the unique and beneficial aspects of a Catholic education. “It’s a great week to broadcast to our communities all that we do throughout the school year,” said Dr. Vincent de Paul Schmidt, diocesan Catholic schools superintendent. “Our Catholic schools are alive and vibrant and growing and really filling the space people are seeking out for faith-based education.”
Now in its 51st year, the annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States begins the last Sunday in January; this year most dioceses will celebrate Catholic Schools Week Jan. 26-Feb. 1. Learn more about Catholic Schools Week in the Diocese of Trenton HERE. WELCOMING TEENS FROM EIGHTH THROUGH 12TH GRADE, REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN FOR THE ANNUAL DIOCESAN YOUTH CONFERENCE, “The Journey,” planned for Feb. 1, 2025, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Notre Dame High School, 601 Lawrence Rd., Lawrenceville. With doors opening at 9:30 for warm-up activities and music, DYC offers the opportunity to connect with other young Catholics of the Diocese through dynamic presentations, music, prayer, workshops and much more. Lunch will be provided, and the day will conclude with Mass.
“DYC 2025 has been inspired by our Church's Jubilee Year and its theme ‘Pilgrims of Hope,’” said Dan Waddington, director of the diocesan Department of Youth and Young Adult Ministries. “It will be an exciting and powerful day as we challenge all participants to look at ‘the Journey’ through life they are on, become aware of where God is present, and to live life realizing that our strength and hope for ‘the Journey’ can only come from Him!”