Catholic Schools Week is a time for Catholic school students, teachers and staff to showcase the best of all that their schools have to offer. Each day of the week, which this year will be held Jan. 30-Feb. 5 and has as its theme, “Catholic Schools: Faith: Excellence. Service.” invites members of the wider community to visit the schools for such events like open houses; academic bowls and challenges; spirited competitions; special days that recognize family members, teachers and school staff, as well as prayer experiences and Masses.
To learn more about the upcoming Catholic Schools Week 2022 observance in the Trenton Diocese’s schools, visit the Monitor Magazine’s January 2022 Catholic Schools Week section.
To view real-time coverage of Catholic Schools Week events taking place, visit
For nearly 50 years, Catholic school attendees have added Catholic Schools Week activities to their book of favorite memories. Since 1974, the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) has hosted Catholic Schools Week for elementary and secondary schools in the United States. This year Catholic Schools Week will be held Jan. 30- Feb. 5 with the theme “Catholic Schools: Faith. Excellence. Service.”
And what is there to celebrate? As the NCEA shares in user-friendly, data-driven graphics called “Catholic School Snaps,” there are currently almost 6,000 Catholic schools in the United States providing a savings of $22 billion dollars to the nation annually. Catholic schools have a higher graduation rate than public and private schools and more graduates from Catholic secondary schools will attend a four-year college. With a student to teacher ratio of 11:1 in both the elementary and secondary schools, Catholic schools serve urban and suburban communities and can be found in both rural areas and inner cities.
During Catholic Schools Week, Masses and prayer services, open houses and other special events are held to showcase the value of Catholic schools in the community and in the life of the Church. This year, weekly themes include – Sunday: Celebrating Your Parish; Monday: Celebrating Your Community; Tuesday: Celebrating Your Students; Wednesday: Celebrating the Nation; Thursday: Celebrating Vocations; Friday: Celebrating Faculty, Staff and Volunteers, and Saturday: Celebrating Families.