I have said it before and I say it again. There is one thing we all have in common, my brothers and sisters. Regardless of our race or place of natural origin; regardless of our religion or absence of it; regardless of our age or status or station in life: God gave us the gift of life which our mothers carried until the day of our birth. We were allowed to live!
We must remain conscious of and vigilant about this basic human right, we must remain committed to that basic human right in the face of those who seek to deny that basic human right to the most vulnerable in our society: the unborn child in the womb.
“Our Savior Jesus Christ has destroyed death and brought life to light through the Gospel” (2 Timothy 1:10). We must continue to bring “life to light” in every choice we make, every decision we uphold, every right we claim and affirm as human beings not only on January 18 or January 22, but every day!
To read Bishop O’Connell’s entire respect life message,
click here.
At the end of his message, Bishop O’Connell implores faithful from the Diocese of Trenton to join the “thousands of our Catholic sisters and brothers throughout the country to pray for the respect of human life during the ‘
9 Days for Life’ sponsored by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, January 14 through 22, 2019.”
“9 Days for Life”, the annual novena which takes place Jan. 14 - Jan. 22, is a multi-faceted novena focuses on the respect and protection of every human life. Each day, a different intention is accompanied by a short reflection and related information. To learn more about this novena and how you can pray with it leading up to the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court Decision, visit
To find out more about participating in pro-life events both in Trenton and Washington D.C., visit
www.dioceseoftrenton.org/march-for-life for the most up-to-date information on these annual events that give witness to the sanctity of human life. In the coming weeks, continue to check back with
TrentonMonitor.com for continued coverage on these events.