In response to the "Aid in Dying" Law, going into effect August 1, 2019 in the state of New Jersey, Bishop David M. O'Connell, C.M. has shared a new reflection on the topic:
As we witness the slow but steady erosion in contemporary culture of the conviction that all human life is sacred and worth preserving at every moment from conception through natural death, I call upon all Catholics within the Diocese of Trenton, indeed, upon all people of good will, to recommit themselves to the belief that God is the only Creator and source of all human life and that, therefore, God alone has the right to determine its natural end.
The only real "death with dignity" is the one that follows a full "life with dignity" as God our Creator has designed and intends it to be, with all its natural, God given and human moments. Anything else is a rejection of God our Creator as Creator and an affront to the human nature God has implanted within us, one and all.
To read the Bishop's reflection in full,
click here.