Very Rev. Martin O’Reilly, to Episcopal Vicar, Burlington County, while continuing as pastor of Mary, Mother of the Church Parish, Bordentown.I DEPEND ON THE EPISCOPAL VICAR IN EACH OF THE FOUR COUNTIES of the Diocese to be my personal representative there and to share his wisdom and advice with me on personnel matters and other issues that arise. He also helps me with the many Confirmations we do here in our Diocese each year. The episcopal vicar is also a voice for the priests in a given region.
For the last many years as episcopal vicar of Burlington County, Father Phillip Pfleger has been an excellent adviser and help to me, sharing his pastoral experience and wisdom very generously and confirming many of our young Catholics. He did this while serving as pastor of both St. Isaac Jogues Parish in Marlton and St. John Neumann Parish in Mount Laurel. I thank him for his extraordinary service to me, to the Episcopal Council and to the Diocese, especially Burlington County.
As Father Pfleger transitions out of the role of episcopal vicar on July 1, I wish to express my thanks for his long-standing support and assistance. I have asked Father Martin O’Reilly, pastor of Mary, Mother of the Church Parish in Bordentown, to become the episcopal vicar of Burlington County, and he has graciously accepted, effective July 1. Please join me in expressing thanks to Father Phil and best wishes to Father Martin!HATE IS AN UGLY EMOTION AND EVEN UGLIER WHEN ACTED UPON. There is no other way to describe the vandalism of the church property of St. David the King Parish in West Windsor than to call it a “hate crime,” an intentional act of evil. I had hoped that our Diocese would be spared the recent hate-filled experiences of other dioceses and churches throughout the country. Sadly, today’s incidents put an end to that hope.
My heart goes out to Father Timothy Capewell, pastor, to his deacons and staff, and to all the wonderful, loving parishioners of St. David the King parish. Hate-filled vandals have left their temporary mark, an indictment against them and not our parish. We will restore what has been vandalized and carry on our faith-filled, Christ-centered mission despite them, holding resolutely to the words of St. Paul, “nothing can separate us from the love of God that comes to us in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:39).”
All parishes should be on notice and watchful. Safety is of paramount importance in these days.
May God forgive those who live by hate and lead their hearts to conversion.