Take the next STEP in developing your faith...
Through our partnership with STEP and McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame, individuals who serve in parish ministries can grow in their faith through completing courses in Catholic Doctrine, Christian life, Church History, Liturgy, and Scripture. All participants in the Diocese of Trenton receive a 50% discount on all courses (discount code: TRENTON).
STEP online courses are geared towards those who serve as catechists, school teachers, lay ministers, deacons, or any Catholic adults interested in deepening their knowledge of the faith in an online format.
Online courses range between four and eight weeks long, with most being six weeks in length. Participants read texts and watch video lessons before posting weekly assignments, sharing reflections in discussion forums, and participating in real time online discussions with classmates.
Click on the date to register
Enter promo code TRENTON to recieve the discount!
October 10/21/2024 - 11/29/2024
January 1/6/2025 - 2/21/2025
February 2/24/2025 - 4/11/2025
April 4/28/2025 - 6/13/2025
June 6/16/2025 - 8/1/2025