These “Family Life/Human Sexuality Formation Guidelines,” which are normative throughout the Diocese of Trenton, have been designed to assist catechists and parish and Catholic school teachers and leaders in becoming partners with parents who “are the principal and first educators of their children (The Catechism of the Catholic Church or CCC, 1653),” in presenting the Catholic faith through sound Catholic teaching and formation regarding family life/human sexuality. These “Guidelines” should also serve as the basis of the development of programs and pastoral work among adults in all stages of life.
In collaboration with the Diocesan Office of Catholic Education and Evangelization as well as the Diocesan Office of Child and Youth
Protection, the Department of Youth, Marriage and Family Life has revised and updated these “Family Life/Human Sexuality Formation Guidelines.”
In addition the official teachings of the Catholic Church, experts within our own Diocese who contributed to the original 2002 “Guidelines” were consulted. Although not exhaustive, these revised “Guidelines” were promulgated as fundamental and normative for Family Life/Human Sexuality all parishes and ministries within the Diocese of Trenton by Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., on November 15, 2015, the feast of St. Albert the Great.
For a printable version of the guidelines, please click below: