Email: holyinnocentssociety@
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~ is a diocesan not-for-profit organization dedicated to serving individuals and families who live with special needs of any kind. HIS seeks to help anyone with special needs - children, adults and families - to take full advantage of being a part of a parish community in the Diocese of Trenton.
~ A key part of full participation in a parish is, of course, the Sacraments. Holy Innocents Society members throughout the Trenton Diocese provide and/or assist parishes to provide children and adults with special needs, intellectual, cognitive and/or developmental disabilities, who are not able to function in a regular Religious Education Program, with religious education geared to their individual learning ability. Dedicated catechists prepare their students for the reception of the Sacraments, and through programs of continuing religious education, prepare them to take an active role in the Church community. In the love of Jesus Christ for His children and in the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the catechists endeavor to foster within each student a positive self-concept, a sense of morality and participation in the Christian community.
~ In addition to the Sacraments, HIS Chapters provide social activities, encourage participation in the parish activities, and are working to be a resource to families in need of learning more about the special needs of their children and adult family members now and as they plan for the future.
H.I.S has six (6) Chapters located throughout our Diocese, which encompass all our parishes.
Our mission is to:
1. Promote and provide spiritual, educational, recreational, social and cultural services.
2. Provide religious education programs including sacramental preparation.
3. Guide, provide referrals, and counsel to address their ongoing and changing needs.
4. Advocate for ongoing and improved rehabilitative, vocational, and educational programs.
5. Explore, advocate for, and support the establishment of appropriate residences and respite care options.
Parishes with technology for the Hearing-Impaired OR
Sign Language provided at a Mass. CLICK HERE.
Resources for the Blind and Visually-Impaired, including audio books, braille and more. Check out the Xavier Society for the Blind. CLICK HERE.
Become a
for your parish!
To facilitate the connective/supportive efforts of the Holy Innocents Society (HIS), we are inviting every parish to have a parishioner, especially a parishioner with life experience in facing a disability, to serve as a HIS Parish Advocate on behalf of their parish.
A HIS Parish Advocate would work with HIS to:
We hope the Holy Spirit will inspire someone in each parish to become
the HIS Parish Advocate for their parish
to work with us to enable full inclusion in the life of all our parish communities for those facing challenges.
For more on special needs catechesis go to