The Diocese of Trenton will join its sister dioceses across the nation in holding a special collection for the Catholic Communications Campaign at all Masses the weekend of May 20-21. Parishioners are asked to be generous in supporting the faith-based communications and media work that is conducted nationally and locally in the Diocese.
Scheduled to coincide with World Communications Day, the CCC collection was established in 1979 by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops to provide essential resources for the Church’s outreach to the community through traditional and evolving media formats. It helps the Church spread the Gospel message in the U.S. and in developing countries using modern media tools to inform, inspire, and enlighten.
Half of all collected funds goes to the USCCB for projects such as production of faith-based documentary films and creation of multimedia content for key campaigns. The remaining 50 percent of donations will remain in the Diocese, where it will be used to subsidize the many forms of communications and media outreach across digital, social and print formats.
Rayanne Bennett, executive director of the diocesan Office of Communications and Media, emphasized the importance of the CCC collection, connecting it to the impact that the Diocese is able to have throughout the community. She explained, “In any given year, we are able to share – through our audio and video production, our digital communications work and our news reporting – content that nourishes our people’s spiritual lives and information that people seek about the faith. Through this work, we are able to highlight teachings from our Bishop, ministerial programs and major diocesan events.”
She continued, “The generosity shown to this collection each year by our community makes it possible for us to do this essential work and look for new ways to be reach more people
through communications and media.”
On the national level, the CCC provides ongoing support for the website, including video and audio recordings for the daily readings and news and resources to strengthen Catholics lives of discipleship. It also provides livestream and event coverage for the U.S. bishops meeting twice a year.
The CCC helped fund “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship,” a video series on issues that affect human life and dignity; the “For Your Marriage” website, and CAPP-USA, a package of 10 videos and six infographics explaining core concepts of Catholic social teaching and how they apply to current social issues.
To view these resources, visit: catholic-communication-campaign/catholic-communication- campaign-resources.