The preparation of hearts for the reception of the Gospel message is needed in many cases before a person can respond to the call to commit or recommit him or herself to Christ and His Church. The following resources can help stir up faith and thus are appropriate for the initial stage of evangelization.
A Quick Journey through the Bible
Ascension Press
Length: 8 sessions (DVD based) Jeff Cavins
This eight-part DVD study provides an excellent and meaningful overview of salvation history as an introduction to the narrative story of the Bible. Jeff Cavins briefly covers the same information taught in the 24 part Bible Timeline study in a series of eight, half-hour talks that are complemented by group discussion questions, useful maps and charts, and brief assignments for home study. This is a great way to “get your feet wet” and learn how to begin authentic Catholic Bible study.
Sacraments in Scripture: Salvation History Made Present
Emmaus Road Publishing
Length: 8 sessions (book based) Dr. Tim Gray
This Bible is a study on the seven sacraments, prefigured in the Old Testament and instituted by Jesus Christ in the New. Following the teaching of the Second Vatican Council and the Catechism of the Catholic Church on Sacred Scripture, Dr. Gray delves into the biblical origin for each of these masterpieces of God’s love. He guides readers through the Gospels, showing Christ’s deliberate acts to inaugurate these sacred signs as the foundation of the New Covenant. With review questions at the end of each chapter, this study is ideal for both group and individual study at the introductory level.
Boys to Men: The Transforming Power of Virtue
Emmaus Road Publishing
Length: 9 sessions (book based) Dr. Tim Gray and Curtis Martin
This is a Bible study designed specifically for men who want to build their spiritual strength and who are taking seriously their call to Christian discipleship. Each challenging lesson combines rich Scriptural teaching with centuries of Christian wisdom to train today’s men for the virtuous life. With thought-provoking questions at the end of each chapter, this book is ideal for individual or group study.
Courageous Series
Emmaus Road Publishing
Length: 8 sessions per study (book based) Stacy Mitch
Intended for individual or group study, the Courageous series examines the teaching of Sacred Scripture on women and the feminine pursuit of holiness for women of all ages and walks of life. There are four book-based studies currently available: Courageous Women; Courageous Love, Courageous Virtue and Courageous Generosity. Each book includes a leader’s guide and study questions to help promote and direct discussion. Participants use both the Scriptures and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Most questions are objective, leading the student to know and appreciate the teaching of the Catholic Church. The author also includes subjective matter that will encourage the reader to a healthy examination of conscience and to real-life applications.
Opening the Word
Augustine Institute
Length: varies (DVD based)
Opening the Word is a weekly Catholic faith formation resource that helps you unpack the meaning of the Sunday Readings and explore how they connect to your life. The three components of Opening the Word are: (1) Video reflection from dynamic Catholic teachers like Dr. Edward Sri, Dr. Tim Gray, and Dr. Mary Healy. (2) Personal Prayer Journal with guided prompts to help participants apply the readings to their own life in a personal way—complete with Bible verses, prayers from the Saints, and references to the Catechism of the Catholic Church. (3) Leader Guide with step-by-step instructions. For more info, visit:
A Biblical Walk Through the Mass
Ascension Press
Length: 5 sessions (DVD based) Dr. Ed Sri
In this five-part DVD series Dr. Sri takes the viewer on an exciting tour of the liturgy. Based on the revised translation of the Mass, it explores the biblical roots of the words and gestures we experience in Mass and explains their profound significance. Each 30 minute talk is designed to accompany a lesson in A Biblical Walk Through the Mass Student Pack and Leader's Pack.
Feast of Faith
Crossroads Initiative
Length: 4 sessions (DVD based) Dr. Marcellino D'Ambrosio This is a series developed for the Year of the Eucharist which takes you on a journey of discovery, offering profound yet easy-to-understand reflections on the nature of the Holy Eucharist – the “source and summit” of the Catholic faith. Peppered with humor and practical examples, the Feast of Faith is enjoyable to watch and its teaching is easy to remember. Its 20 minute segments are just the perfect amount of time to develop a theme without wearing the audience out! Discussion questions provided in the study guide make the discussion leader's job easy. Perfect for either personal use or viewing by an RCIA class or adult or teen study group.
I Believe - The Heart of Catholic Faith
Crossroads Initiative
Length: 4 sessions (DVD based) Dr. Marcellino D'Ambrosio I Believe - The Heart of Catholic Faith is a four-part video series on the Nicene Creed which explains how the very heart of the Catholicism is all about intimate, personal relationship with God. It's about a community of love between three Divine Persons, and the powerful, loving way that each of those Divine Persons breaks into our world to transform our lives. This series explains how faith is not irrational but the most reasonable response possible to God's amazing deeds."I Believe" follows the outline of the Nicene Creed, but don't be mistaken--it is far from a stuffy, academic presentation of the basic beliefs of Roman Catholicism! Full of enlightening metaphors and colorful anecdotes, "I Believe" leads its audience not only to a clearer understanding of the articles of faith Roman Catholics profess, but a deeper love relationship with God the Father, Son, and Spirit.
Catholicism 101: Essentials for the Journey Excorde Media
Length: 10 part Series (DVD based) Jeff Cavins
Whether you are a Catholic, a recent convert, or just interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, this is an educational series for you. Catholicism 101 explains some of the basics of Catholicism in 10 dynamic 60 minute presentations drawing upon the Bible and Catechism. Topics include: Conversion, The Bible, The Sacraments, The Mass, Mary, etc. Participant workbooks are available too. Order from:
Word on Fire
Length: 10 part series (DVD based) Fr. Robert Barron This is not a video lecture, Church history or scripture study, but rather an engaging and interesting formational program that makes use of art, architecture, literature, music and all the treasures of the Catholic tradition to illuminate the timeless teachings of the Church. The series was filmed in 50 locations throughout 15 countries with original, high-definition cinematography. Each episode is 60 minutes in length and has an accompanying workbook for each topic if so desired. For more information go to;
Is Religion Necessary?
PROCLAIM! Publications
Length: 6 sessions (book based) Barbara Reed Mason
This is a small group book-based series which raises and answers basic faith questions such as: Is Religion Necessary? Who is God? Why is there evil and suffering? The answers are explored through the use of Sacred Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Contact the Office of Evangelization to obtain a copy: [email protected]
Dogmatic Theology: Coming to Know God Through Man’s Best Friend
John Paul II Media Institute
Length: 8 sessions (DVD based) Fr. John Mallon
What do you get if you spell "God" backwards? Man's best friend. Add a Catholic priest, a theologian, eight weeks of dogma and you get Dogmatic Theology, a dynamic eight-part DVD chock-full of humour, insight and theological consideration. Based upon Fr. James Mallon’s many experiences with his shepherd mix dog, this course explores themes central to the Christian faith. Each theme is then illuminated by a documentary testimony and a teaching by Dogmatic Theologian, Dr. David Deane
St. Paul tells us that the grace of faith comes through hearing the Word of Christ (Rom. 10:17). Hence, proclamation of the message of Christ, (the kerygma in Greek), is the essential component for igniting the fire of faith in a soul. There is no true evangelization without the simple, direct and integral announcement of the Good News of Jesus Christ to an individual, that is, the meaning of His Life, Death and Resurrection for them. This “initial and ardent proclamation” should “overwhelm the person and bring him to the decision to entrust himself to JesusChirst by faith” ( CT, 25).
Kerygma: A Proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Proclaim Publications
Length: 6 sessions Office of Evangelization
A brand new Catholic Bible-based retreat which gives the participants the opportunity to encounter the Lord Jesus through hearing and responding to His Word and renewing the gifts and graces received in Baptism & Confirmation. Although it uses both Scripture and Church teaching to announce the Good News of Jesus Christ, it is not an academic study of salvation history but rather an opportunity for the many Catholics who do not know the basic Gospel message to experience its life-changing effects. For more info, visit Proclaim Publications at To bring “Kerygma” into your parish either through a six- week program or a weekend retreat, please contact the Office of Evangelization and Family Life.
New Life Retreat
St. Andrews School of Evangelization
Length: Weekend Office of Evangelization
This is a unique retreat experience in which the basic Gospel message is proclaimed in a dynamic and engaging way over the course of a weekend. The goal is to lead the participants to a personal encounter with Jesus Christ and reawaken the sacramental graces of Baptismand Confirmation. To bring “New Life Retreat” into your parish either through a six- week program or a weekend retreat, please contact the Office of Evangelization and Family Life.
Life in the Spirit Seminar
Office of Evangelization
Length: 7 sessions Office of Evangelization
A Life in the Spirit Seminar is a means of proclaiming the initial Gospel message in a seminar format over the course of 7 consecutive weeks; however, it can be done over a weekend as well. Prayer for the Baptism in the Spirit is the climax of the seminar. Contact the Office of Evangelization and Family Life for more information.
Follow Me: Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John
Ascension Press
Length: 6 sessions (DVD or book based) Edward Sri This series is your guide to a personal encounter with Christ. Jesus comes to meet us and beckons us to follow him. He calls us to be his disciples, to trust him, to open ourselves to his merciful love, and to love others as he has loved us. Follow Me invites you to experience the joy of a renewed friendship with Christ. For more information, visit
CCO Faith Study
Catholic Christian Outreach
Length: 6 sessions (book based)
This series is a collection of five thematic studies that simply and clearly explain the truths of the faith and practically outline important principles for Catholic living. Each lesson integrates Scripture and Church teachings in its small group discussions. Visit for more info.
ChristLife Series
Christ Life
Length: 6 sessions (DVD based)
Evangelization is a purposeful effort to introduce people to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and His transforming love. The ChristLife series is a three-step evangelization process that is changing lives and transforming parishes and consists of three essential elements: discover, follow, and share. For more information, visit
Once a commitment or recommitment of one’s life has been made, the third phase begins. Disciples are conscious followers and students of the Lord Jesus Christ. They have a living, personal relationship with Him and require extensive formation in the Faith. This formation is to be at once systematic and integral and its goal is complete transformation of life. The fire that was ignited in the second stage will smolder and wither if it is not stoked by sound spiritual, intellectual, moral and communal teaching and mentoring. Jesus spent three years forming/discipling 12 men and then commissioned them to evangelize the world.
The Bible Timeline: The Story of Salvation
Ascension Press
Length: 24 sessions (DVD based) Jeff Cavins
This study is the cornerstone of The Great Adventure Bible Study Program by Ascension Press. Presented in twenty-four in-depth sessions, this is full-immersion Catholic Bible study. Jeff Cavins introduces Catholic principles of Scripture Study and provides comprehensive teaching and commentary on the entire biblical narrative from the book of Genesis to Revelation. Hundreds of thousands of people have learned to read and understand Scripture with The Bible Timeline. To preview the series contact the Office of Evangelization or go to: for more information.
Matthew: The King and His Kingdom
Ascension Press
Length: 24 sessions (DVD based) Jeff Cavins
Picking up where The Bible Timeline ends, Matthew shows how Jesus builds on the foundation of the Old Testament to inaugurate the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. For this reason, it is an ideal follow-up study to the basic narrative of Scripture taught in The Bible Timeline course. To preview the series contact the Office of Evangelization or go to: for more information.
Acts: The Spread of the Kingdom
Ascension Press
Length: 20 sessions (DVD based) Jeff Cavins
Step three builds on The Bible Timeline and Matthew by showing how Christ’s Kingdom on earth is empowered to carry out his work in the world. The book of Acts shows the Church, enlivened by the Holy Spirit, teaching, preaching, healing, and restoring outcasts in the same way that Jesus did on earth. The Acts of the Apostles provides an historic framework for understanding the rest of the New Testament. Paul’s letters in particular come alive in a new way when they are read within the context of the Acts narrative. To preview the series contact the Office of Evangelization or go to: for more information
Other Bible Study Resources can be found at:
The Great Adventure Bible Study System
Catholic Scripture Study International
Emmaus Road Bible Series
St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology (Online Bible Studies)
Oremus: A Guide to Catholic Prayer
Ascension Press
Lengt: 8 Sessions (DVD based) Fr. Mark Toups
The Oremus study program teaches you the essentials of an effective and fruitful prayer life. Over the course of eight weeks you will discover how God speaks to you, even in the smallest encounters. Following the Tradition of the Catholic Church and the wisdom of the saints, you will learn how to express yourself to God in prayer, and how to hear his voice.
Praying the Scriptures for a Change
Ascension Press
Length: 7-8 Sessions (book based) Dr. Tim Gray
This is a book-based study on praying with the Scriptures in the tradition known as of Lectio Divina (divine reading). In this succinct book, Catholic theologian and biblical scholar Dr. Tim Gray walks you through the Bible and the wisdom of the saints to reveal the practical steps of this great treasure of our Tradition. Learning the simple steps of lectio divina will provide a practical and effective way for you to enhance your prayer life through the power of God’s Word.
A Biblical Walk through the Mass
Ascension Press
Length: 5 Sessions (DVD & book based) Dr. Ted Sri Based on the revised translation of the Mass, this five-part program takes participants on an exciting tour of the Liturgy as it explores the biblical roots of the words and gestures we experience at Mass and explains their profound significance. See, perhaps for the first time, why we say what we say and do what we do every week at Mass. The words and gestures will be seen in a new light, giving new life to the liturgical experience.
Walking Toward Eternity: Daring to Walk the Walk
Ascension Press
Length: 8 Sessions (DVD based) Jeff and Emily Cavins Walking Toward Eternity is an inspiring series designed to help participants live their faith more fully. Through daily prayerful meditation with Scripture (lectio divina), they will be drawn into an intimate and life-changing encounter with Christ. Daring to Walk the Walk, the first series of Walking Toward Eternity, introduces seven key virtues and outlines practical steps for living them out in daily life.
Friendship with God
Catherine of Sienna Institute
Length: 4 Sessions (CD based) Fr. Michael Sweeney, O.P. Friendship with God is a 4 part CD series by Fr. Michael Sweeney, O.P. which looks at our relationship to God from the standpoint of friendship with him, which is God’s desire for each one of us. It serves as a good introduction to the spiritual life. For more info, contact The Catherine of Siena Institute at or the Office of Evangelization to review it.
The Universal Call to Holiness & Personal Vocation
St. Bernard Church, Bridgewater, NJ
Length: 6 Sessions (book- based) Msgr. Joseph Celano The Universal Call to Holiness & Personal Vocation is a small faith group sharing series created by Msgr. Joseph Celano in collaboration with the pastoral council of St. Bernard Church, Bridgewater, NJ. For more information contact: Msgr. Joseph Celano at St. Bernard of Clairvaux Church Bridgewater (908) 752-0552.
Parish Reflection Series
In The Arms of Mary Foundation
Length: 5 Series (booklet based)
This parish Reflection Series is based on books produced by the Families of Nazareth Movement to assist parishes and small faith sharing groups. Each series is short (between 4-6 weeks) and as such is ideal for establishing a faith sharing group, for use during Advent or Lent, with RCIA, etc. Some of the topics covered include: The Sufficiency of God Alone; The Eucharist; Mary; Pure Love; Conversion of Heart. For more information go to or contact the Office of Evangelizaiton to review the materials.
Renewal Ministries Prayer Series
Renewal Ministries
Length: 6 Series (CD based) Dr. Ralph Martin
Renewal Ministries has a series of teachings by Ralph Martin on the spiritual life based upon the writings of the Doctors of the Church but explained on the layman’s level. These courses are available on CD. The topics are as follows: Holiness in Everyday Life – Francis De Sales; Transformation in Christ – St. John of the Cross; Union with God – Teresa of Avila; Growing in Love – Catherine of Siena; Journey to God – Bernard of Clairvaux; Surrendered to Love – Therese of Lisieux. For more information, please visit Another helpful resource is Dr. Martin’s The Fulfillment of All Desire: A Guidebook for the Journey to God based on the Wisdom of the Saints. This book also contains a study guide for group or personal study. Additionally, a video based on the book can be purchased.
Lectio Prayer Series
Augustine Institute
Length: 6 Sessions (DVD based) Dr. Tim Gray
Though prayer is one of the essentials of a thriving faith, we often feel as if we’re talking to ourselves. Or, worse, we feel like we’re talking to no one at all. How can something so vital to the faith be so elusive? Now, the mystery of prayer is made clear through the engaging teaching and cinematic artistry of the Augustine Institute in Prayer: Finding Intimacy with God. For more information, visit
Preparation for Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary
Montfort Publications
Length: 5 Sessions (DVD based) Fr. Hugh Gillespie
Join Fr. Hugh Gillespie, SMM, for a series of conferences that guide the viewer through the key steps of the 33-day process of preparation to make St. Louis de Montfort’s Act of Total Consecration to Jesus Christ through Mary. Beginning with an overview of the entire process, this 3-DVD set includes individual presentations that provide rich biblical and theological insight into the nature of the spirit of the world, our need for the grace of God to truly know ourselves, coming to a truly intimate and personal knowledge of Our Lady and the opening of our lives to the Spirit of Jesus Christ. A book also written by Fr. Gillespie takes individuals through the 33-day process of preparation. For more info, please go to
Pillars: A Journey Through the Catechism
Ascension Press
Length: 4 Series (DVD based) Dr. Sean Innerst
Pillars: A Journey through the Catechism, uses the Catechism’s structure and divides the program into four sections: The Creed, The Sacraments, the Moral Life, and Christian Prayer. In this study you will learn why the Catechism should be treated less like a fact book and more like a roadmap for our faith journey. You will learn what God's "innermost secret" is and how we’re called to participate in it. You will see that our journey of faith is one from "Blessing to Blessing," that the God who made us wills that we return to him and you will discover how the Catechism can be seen as a new catechesis for the New Evangelization. And much more! Pillar I: The Creed is the first in the series and is 12 parts. For more info go to:
Catholicism 101: Essentials for the Journey Excorde Media
Length: 10 part Series (DVD based) Jeff Cavins
Whether you are a Catholic, a recent convert, or just interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, this is an educational series for you. Catholicism 101 explains some of the basics of Catholicism in 10 dynamic 60 minute presentations drawing upon the Bible and Catechism. Topics include: Conversion, The Bible, The Sacraments, The Mass, Mary, etc. Participant workbooks are available too. For more information contact:
Catholicism 201
John Paul II Media Institute
Length: 8 part Series (DVD based) Fr. James Mallon This series is completely unrelated to Catholicism 101 but similar in its approach to learning more about the Catholic faith on an individual topic basis, not a systematic study. Each talk is 30 minutes in length and has small group discussion questions and handouts included. For more information go to:
Living the Catholic Faith : Rediscovering the Basics
St. Catherine of Siena Press
Length:11 part Book and workbook series Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap;
Rev. Daniel J. Mahan, STL & Jean Homrighausen Zander Addressing the difficult question of what it means to be a Catholic in the twenty-first century, Archbishop Charles Chaput offers a sound, contemporary vision for understanding the teachings of the Church and shows how you live them out with a spirit of love and obedience. How can you experience a fresh, active spiritual life? Find out as you rediscover the vital basics of Living the Catholic Faith. Parents, teachers, newly-married couples, priests, religious – every person who is searching the best way to live their faith amidst day to day struggles will benefit from this book and study guide, useful for small group or individual purposes. For more info, visit
Dogmatic Theology: Coming to Know God Through Man’s Best Friend
John Paul II Media Institute
Length: 8 sessions (DVD based) Fr. John Mallon
What do you get if you spell "God" backwards? Man's best friend. Add a Catholic priest, a theologian, eight weeks of dogma and you get Dogmatic Theology, a dynamic eight-part DVD chock-full of humour, insight and theological consideration. Based upon Fr. James Mallon’s many experiences with his shepherd mix dog, this course explores themes central to the Christian faith. Each theme is then illuminated by a documentary testimony and a teaching by Dogmatic Theologian, Dr. David Deane.
Word on Fire
Length: 10 segments (DVD based) Fr. Robert Barron This is not a video lecture, Church history or scripture study, but rather an engaging and interesting formational program that makes use of art, architecture, literature, music and all the treasures of the Catholic tradition to illuminate the timeless teachings of the Church. Each episode is 60 minutes in length and has an accompanying workbook for each topic if so desired. For more information go to;
Symbolon: Adult Formation and RCIA
Augustine Institute
Length: 18 sessions (DVD based)
Symbolon is a comprehensive, systematic video-based curriculum for general Adult Faith Formation and the RCIA catechumenate that proclaims the fullness of the Catholic Faith, re-evangelizes adults in the parish, and forms life-long disciples. It is designed to bring the “new ardor, expression, and methods” of the New Evangelization to every parishioner. Its goal is to re-evangelize the faithful—to form life-long disciples from the heart of the Church by inviting participants not to just know the faith but to surrender their daily lives to Jesus Christ. This is done by training parish leaders and equipping them with dynamic and faithful resources. Through beautifully crafted catechesis and state-of-the-art video, a team of some of the most dynamic teachers in the country guides your parishioners on a tour through the Catholic Faith. For more info, visit
Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained
Augustine Institute
Length: 2 parts, 10 sessions each (DVD based)
We may be familiar with different aspects of the Catholic Faith … but how does it all fit together? And what difference does it make for our lives? This video series systematically presents the BIG picture of the Catholic Faith. In Part 1, we journey through the core teachings of the Catholic Church traced out in the Creed and Catechism with the goal
of knowing the Faith. In Part 2, we focus on our encounter with God in the sacraments and the moral life so that we can be fully living the Faith. For more information,
Lectio Evangelization Series
Augustine Institute
Length: 10 sessions (DVD based) Dr. Mary Healy There is no better place to look for guidance in the New Evangelization than the Acts of the Apostles. This chronicle of the Church in action gives us the blueprint for the life and mission of the Church today. In Evangelization and the Acts of the Apostles, Dr. Mary Healy
combines Bible study with Church teaching and practical wisdom to show you how modern Catholics can effectively lead people to Jesus Christ. For more information, visit
Discipleship is followed by apostleship which is marked by the recognition that one has a baptismal mandate to bring the Gospel to all people. A fire will continue to blaze only if it is properly fed and stoked. So too will the work of evangelization endure only if there is appropriate and ongoing formation for the faithful and the continuous proclamation of the Gospel message.
The Catholic Vision for Leading Like Jesus: Servant, Steward, Shepherd
Our Sunday Visitor
Length: Varies (Book based) Owen Phelps, Ph. D
Follow the Path of the Greatest Leader of all Time. Discover the power of Christ's personal and practical example and make a measurable difference in the lives of those around you -- at home, at work, in the community or in your parish. Transform your leadership style in light of Jesus' compelling combination of servant, steward, and shepherd. The companion workbook will help you explore your response to Jesus' call to faith. It is filled with practical ideas, real-life applications, and many additional tools to help you establish new habits and goals. For use by individuals or groups, this will equip you to become a leader and influencer in the mold of Jesus Himself. Visit the Our Sunday Visitor website for more info:
Called & Gifted Charism Discernment Course
Catherine of Siena Institute
Length: 5 sessions (CD based)
How has God gifted you personally for the sake of building up the kingdom of God on earth? How can you reliably discern His call in your life? This course speaks to these and other essential aspects of lay apostleship in a uniquely penetrating and engaging style. Begin your own discernment and discovery of the personal way you are equipped to make Jesus present in the world. Topics include: The critical role of the laity in the Church's mission to the world; Essential elements of the lay office and ordained office; The nature of spiritual gifts or charisms; The 24 most common charisms; and the five steps of discerning a charism. For more information, please contact The Catherine of Siena Institute at or the Office of Evangelization.
St. Andrew’s School of Evangelization
Office of Evangelization
Length: Full Weekend (Friday night – Sunday afternoon)
St. Andrew's School of Evangelization is an international school of evangelization that offers dynamic and practical evangelization courses designed to form evangelizers for the New Evangelization. Because of their unique teaching methods participants are easily engaged in the Gospel message. Developed sequentially, the methodology of the program begins with courses that initiate participants into the evangelization process and then proceeds to form them into evangelizers through another series of courses. For more information on upcoming courses within the Diocese of Metuchen, in both English and Spanish, contact us at: [email protected]
Relit The Heart of Evangelization Training Course
Length: 18 sessions (DVD based)
This course will form and equip your core faithful theologically, spiritually, and practically so that they can be active evangelists in their own parish and beyond. As the evangelistic training in relit is applicable across all your ministries and functions, there’s no need to reschedule studies, programs or formation you are currently presenting. In fact, relit will amplify, clarify and further enhance what you are already doing - giving strength to the renewal that has already begun. Visit for more information.