Do you have a student graduating from 8th grade, 12th grade or college this year? Celebrate their achievement with a paid personal message in the special KEEPSAKE GRADUATION ISSUE of The Monitor Magazine.
Your congratulatory message will appear in special issue of The Monitor Magazine, scheduled for release in the third week of June. Make your safe and convenient online purchase using the form at the bottom of this page. A complimentary copy of the keepsake edition will be mailed to each family placing a congratulatory message.
Choose from the following options (ads are designed to scale)
- Full name of graduate
- Graduate's school and parish
- Desired image/photo for the ad
Send to: [email protected].
Deadline for purchase is June 6, 2024.
Questions? Call Fran Koukotas at (609) 403-7153
The Monitor
Graduation Message
701 Lawrenceville Rd.
Trenton, NJ 08648
For more information, call 609-403-7153 or email: [email protected].