Welcome to Bulletin Briefs for Natural Family Planning Awareness!
The parish bulletin is a strong vehicle of communication from Church leaders to the parishioner. “Bulletin briefs” provide an effective way to raise awareness about the methods of Natural Family Planning and Catholic teaching which support their use in marriage, and can be used any time throughout the year, or perhaps in an “NFP” bulletin series.
The following bulletin briefs are taken from Catholic teaching found in the Church’s official documents, the writings of NFP pioneers and statements by NFP couples. Please note: an effort has been made to select quotes that are appropriate for the parish bulletin. Be advised to read each quote carefully and determine which quotes are appropriate for your parish. Each quote can stand alone or be part of a weekly series.
If you are a lay leader using this resource, provide your pastor with the selection of quotes that you wish to post in the parish bulletin and obtain his approval. Only select, cut and paste the quotes most appropriate for your parish community. You have our permission to “edit down” those quotes that may offer too much technical information, but you must continue to cite the source of the quote.
To facilitate the education of the parishioner, please also include the local diocesan NFP information with each quote posted in the bulletin (Nicholas Petrillo, Associate Director for Marriage Ministries and NFP; [email protected]; 609-403-7128). You may also direct the reader to the USCCB’s NFP Program for further information as follows: “For further information about the methods of NFP and Catholic teaching on marriage, conjugal love and responsible parenthood Click Here.