Catholic Charities Diocese of Trenton’s Children and Family Services organized a daylong conference May 11 that focuses on understanding and recognizing the impact of trauma on mental health. All who work with or minister to those who have experienced trauma are welcome to attend.
The event, planned for 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at The College of New Jersey, Ewing, will feature leading trauma and mental health specialists who will share perspectives on ways assistance can be given to people who have experienced trauma.
The keynote speaker is actor and author Victor Rivas Rivers, who also seeks to raise awareness of related forms of abuse, along with ways that individuals and communities can do more to end violence.
Participants also will be able to attend three additional workshops presented by Catholic Charities staff members, a TCNJ professor and representatives of the the New Jersey Department of Human Services, Disaster and Terrorism Branch. Topics include the following: Introduction to Trauma Informed Care;” “What Makes Us Resilient?” “The Anatomy of Survival: Brain-Body Responses to Neglect, Trauma and Violence in Children and Adults;” “Immigration and Trauma;” “Suicide Prevention for Schools;” “The Psychology of Terrorism;” “Art Therapy for Children Affected by Trauma; “Impact of Intimate Partner Trauma,” and “Children Teaching Caregivers: Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.”