Now is the moment to contact your representatives to urge them to co-sponsor and work to enact H.R. 4828, the Conscience Protection Act of 2016. Please tell your member of the House of Representatives that you expect him or her to uphold the right of conscientious objection to abortion by enacting this much-needed legislation. The bill, introduced on March 22 by Rep. John Fleming, MD (R-LA) and Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-MO), contains the policy of what in past years has been called the Abortion Non-Discrimination Act (ANDA). Contact your representative here or at or at .
Read the April 19th Joint Letter to Congress, signed by 26 major health care, religious and pro-life organizations including the USCCB here. This letter clearly explains this issue and why we should support the Conscience Protection Act of 2016.
Please take action now, it takes less than a minute of your time.