The month of April was dedicated to the ongoing work of the Cohorts, as they continue to analyze the different realities in place among their parishes and discuss what organizational models might be suggested. As the schedule for Step 2 requires, the Cohorts will have met a total of six times between March and May and will be ready to submit their suggestions to the Diocesan Planning Commission by the beginning of June.
During this time, Cohort team members are encouraged to keep their parishes apprised of their work via parish bulletin announcements or other means. At the same time, all are reminded that the suggestions that are developed in this phase of the process are just that – only suggestions.
There are several levels of review and discussion that will have taken place before recommendations are made to Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., and only the Bishop makes the final determination as to what recommendations will be put in place.
Preparatory work has also been underway by the members of the Planning Commission, who will formally come together from June 14-16 to review all Cohort evaluations and suggestions, as well as parish evaluations and data verification forms before making their Preliminary Recommendations.
Cohort team members will receive the Preliminary Recommendations from the Planning Commission with rationales the week of June 27, at which time they will devote several more weeks to further study and discussion. The DPC will meet again in October to review the Cohort responses and bring together a set of Final Recommendations for Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., to consider.
The 21 men and women who make up the Diocesan Planning Commission are priests, deacons, women religious, and lay men and women from all four counties of the Diocese who have been identified because of their experience in the parish, school and ministry setting, or their professional expertise.
Terry Ginther, executive director of the Diocese’s Office of Pastoral Life and Mission, explains, “We have tried to place a finance person, pastor, educator or faith formation person, Hispanic or multicultural minister, and pastoral care or social service person in each group. Most, but not all, live or minister in the county to which we have assigned them.”
The Diocese of Trenton has been blessed with many parishes which have served millions of people for more than 130 years. Today, given changing demographics, increasing needs of parishioners, the anticipation of fewer priests to serve the Diocese, and the strain on facilities and finances, we are called to better steward our resources so that we can truly and in the best way possible meet the needs of active Catholics and share our faith with those who are marginalized or who have not yet heard the Good News.
As we look to the future, new models for parishes are needed. The Parish Cohorts are being asked to consider six different organizational models. An overall principle of Faith in Our Future is that parishes are more effective if they work together in ministry areas. It is envisioned that every parish community will collaborate with other parish communities where appropriate and feasible. It is also that in many Cohorts, more than one model will be suggested.
The Parish Models up for consideration appear here in brief. For a fuller explanation of the models, go to and click on GENERAL INFO.
A formal cooperative relationship is formed among parishes in order to serve a unified mission.
When two or more parishes share a pastor.
Two or more parishes come together to form a new parish community.
A team of priests serving three or more parishes.
The Bishop may appoint a deacon, religious or lay person to be the day to day leader of a parish community under the supervision of a priest, who would also provide sacramental support.
Parishes established by reason of the rite, language or nationality of the Christian faithful of a given territory.
This report is issued by the Diocese’s Office of Communications. To contact us, write to [email protected] or call (609) 403-7199.