The devastating tragedy in Pittsburgh and the senseless loss of life at the Tree of Life Synagogue make it horribly clear, once again, that the effects of such hatred and violence are felt by us all, here at home and around the world. Hatred and the evil it generates, however, cannot be the thing that unites us in society —- faith and the love it promotes must bring us together as sisters and brothers of a loving God. As Catholics, we join in heartfelt prayer for those who have died and we grieve with those who mourn. May God help us embrace one another as sisters and brothers in the face of tragedy and strengthen our resolve to reject the hatred and violence that attempt to tear us apart.
For continued coverage on this event, please visit The Solemnity of All Saints, Thursday, November 1, and the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, Saturday, December 8, are holy days of obligation for all Catholics. Please consult your parish bulletins or websites for Mass schedules.