I can still hear her voice, so sweet and gentle. Her face is always in my mind’s eye as I remember her bright eyes and happy smile. There was never a doubt how much she loved her family. We were her life, my brothers and I, and we miss her every day.
I’m sure those kinds of thoughts and emotions are present in the minds and hearts of many this Mother’s Day, though maybe not expressed out loud.
I don’t believe there are too many of us who are not thinking to ourselves how this Mother’s Day has introduced into our experience a hugely different way of celebrating. Those of us fortunate enough to still have our moms with us are trying to figure out how to make this day special for them. The effort to do so is incredibly important and, despite all the social distancing surrounding this year’s celebration, we need more than ever to reach out in love to the women who gave us life and made that life so warm and wonderful, so filled with understanding and support, so beautiful to look back at and remember.
“Mom.” Just saying the word carries with it a host of deeply personal meanings and memories. Don’t lose sight of any of them, ever. They all translate into the word “love,” unconditional love for you. It is up to you, now, to translate them into unconditional love for her, especially when the circumstances of the present moment may keep you apart.
Mother’s Day is a beautiful, special holiday and celebration each May. But it does not --- better, should not --- be limited or confined to a Sunday in May. Just as love is for every day, so is remembering Mom, whether she is in heaven or still present with us here and now! We owe our mothers so much.
Don’t let the pandemic keep you this year, this Mother’s Day, from saying, “thanks, Mom,” “I love you, Mom,” “I am with you Mom and we’ll be together soon again.” Make time for her, take time for her. If she’s in your home, give her the hug that she needs, that you need to give. If she’s at a distance, pick up the phone or get online and say the words she’s longing to hear … that you need to say.
And don’t forget prayer, grateful prayer to God for the amazing gift of your Mom. That should be an everyday prayer!
On this Mother’s Day, as your Bishop, permit me to offer all our mothers every good wish and blessing. You will be my intention at Holy Mass this Sunday. I am praying for those Moms who are with the Lord (and with us still in loving memory) and for those who are with us here. Happy Mother’s Day!