As a result of the recent
Faith in our Futurepastoral planning decisions, which will begin to be implemented in July, parishes are now preparing for the day when they will share pastors and resources, collaborate on ministries, and in some cases, become a completely new entity with another parish or parishes.
To equip parish leaders now engaged in this effort, the diocesan Department of Pastoral Planning is sponsoring a workshop on the best practices for building inter-parish collaboration on May 10 in the Chancery, Lawrenceville, or May 11 in St. Mary Church, Colts Neck. The program is designed to support clergy, staff and parish leaders.
During the workshop, Mark Mogilka, director of stewardship and pastoral services for the Diocese of Green Bay, Wisc., and leading expert and author on multiple-parish ministry, will share insight and ideas on the subject.
You can learn more about the workshop, HERE.
The cost for either program is $15 and the deadline to register is May 1. Please mail a check made out to the Diocese of Trenton, and include your name, parish, city, role and email, and mail to Diocese of Trenton, Attn. Carmen Macres, 701 Lawrenceville Road, Trenton, N.J. 08648. For more information, email
[email protected]or call 609-403-7213.
All pastoral caregivers – those who offer spiritual care to people who are lonely or suffering in any way, including those involved in ministering to the bereaved, sick, imprisoned, separated or divorced – in the Diocese of Trenton are invited to experience a day of prayer, reflection and rejuvenation during the 11th annual Pastoral Care Retreat, May 5 in San Alfonso Retreat House, Long Branch.
The day will include Mass, time for walks on the beach, breakfast and lunch, tools to support pastoral care ministry and a presentation from retreat leader, Dr. Widian Nicola, DSW, titled “The Heart of the Pastoral Encounter: Contact, Connect and Care”.
Dr. Nicola is a licensed clinical social worker and assistant professor in the Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work in Seton Hall University, South Orange, specializing in social justice and issues surrounding poverty and immigration. She received a master’s of social work degree from Eastern Washington University, Cheney, Wash., and a doctorate of social work from Rutgers University, New Brunswick.
You can learn more about the retreat and Dr. Nicola, HERE.