Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., marked the opening of
National Vocation Awareness Week Nov. 4 with a message in which he shared, “It comes in the ordinary moments of your daily life when you recognize something deep inside urging you to do more with your life to demonstrate God’s incredible love for his people.”
The Bishop notes that National Vocation Awareness Week “is a time that the Catholic Church in our country sets aside to promote vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and consecrated life as a religious sister or brother through prayer and education.” Emphasizing the importance of vocations to Christian marriage and family life, Bishop O’Connell writes, “What better place is there than in the Catholic family and home for young people to hear God’s voice? The love of husband and wife, of father and mother, of brothers and sisters is a motivation for and model of the love Christ seeks from priests, deacons and consecrated religious.”
You can read
more on National Vocation Awareness Week, and the
full text of Bishop O’Connell’s message, or listen to it
on podcast.
The Diocese has celebrated in a special way those who have dedicated themselves to the vocation of marriage and family with the
Bishop’s Anniversary Blessings held Oct. 7 and 21. The Monitor has just published its annual
keepsake magazine commemorating the anniversary couples blessed by the Bishop and other priests in these special events. To view this special edition, as well as video and photographic coverage,
click here.