We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas celebration and are ready to jump into the New Year with the work ahead for Faith in Our Future!
Some reminders:
a. Meet as a Core Team in January and review sections I & II in the Planning Guide to clarify your role and responsibility as a Core Team.
b. Plan meetings for every other week through early March
c. Decide on a communications strategy to keep your fellow parishioners involved.
d. Begin to evaluate the 4 areas of parish life in ways that involve the whole parish (e.g. surveys, task forces, work groups, town hall meetings, etc.)
e. Contact your Reid Group consultant with your questions and concerns.
2. Point C above, “decide on a communications strategy to keep your fellow parishioners involved,” is particularly As you continue (or begin) your regular meetings as a core team, plan for regular communications with parishioners through bulletin announcements or announcements at Mass.
a. You can find a six-minute video message from Bishop O’Connell introducing Faith in Our Future at http://www.dioceseoftrenton.org/faithinourfuture/ — encourage parishioners to view it.
b. You can also encourage parishioners to look at all of the resource material for Faith in Our Future that is on the web This includes the Planning Guide in English and Spanish and the print resource “Building Our Future Together.”
c. Please review the enclosed quantitative survey sample which has been requested by several parish core team chairs.
d. If you have substantial changes or corrections to your parish data verification form, please submit these in writing to Terry Ginther ([email protected] (609-403-7143) by the end of January 2016.
e. The 1st draft of cohort parishes will be distributed for your review later this If you have not completed your preferred cohort form, please return it to Sherrie Sporek ASAP.
d. The training sessions for the Cohort Teams are scheduled for March 15-16, The sites for these sessions will be determined in the next month or so.
Again, thank you for contributing your time and energy to Faith in Our Future.
Download Sample C: Parish Survey.pdf
Msgr. Leonard Troiano [email protected]
Phone: 609-403-7159
Fax: 609-406-7413
Sherrie Sporek [email protected]
Phone: 609-403-7193
Fax: 609-406-7413
Faith in Our Future
Diocese of Trenton
Burlington & Ocean Counties Consultant
Tom Reid [email protected] Phone: 206-947-2990
Monmouth County Consultant John Reid [email protected]
Phone: 206-947-1055
Mercer County & Bi-Lingual Consultant Karen Castellon [email protected]
Phone: 908-240-9941