THE CHANCERY OFFICES IN LAWRENCEVILLE will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, in observance of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
JOURNEY THROUGH THE HOLY YEAR WITH RESOURCES from the Diocese of Trenton. Explore resources to celebrate the Jubilee Year on our diocesan website: Here you’ll discover find information on diocesan retreat centers, diocesan events, and tools tailored for catechists and educators.
You can also download PDF copies of the Jubilee Prayer Card and Celebrating the Holy Year, pictured above - a comprehensive guide to help parishes engage their faith communities in marking this special year. Learn more HERE. THIS IS THE TIME OF YEAR WHEN MANY PARISHES CONDUCT their MONITOR ENVELOPE CAMPAIGN. Parishioners are asked to subscribe -- or renew their subscription -- to the magazine and website through the envelope included in your parish collection packet.
Bishop David O’Connell is encouraging parish families throughout the Diocese of Trenton to stay informed and inspired in their faith through regular reading of the diocesan news publication, The Monitor Magazine, and website, In a recent address to priests, the Bishop stated, “It is my hope that more of our people have access to the important and enriching content that the Diocese provides through The Monitor.” Read more HERE. MUCH LIKE THE BEGINNINGS THAT SO OFTEN CHARACTERIZE A NEW YEAR, we start anew as a people of faith in this Jubilee Year. The January issue of The Monitor Magazine features content dedicated to this special time in which the Church calls us to be “Pilgrims of Hope” and engage in ways that will help to bring about the real and meaningful changes for which Jubilees are known.
We hope that you will read about the proposals laid out by Pope Francis to lift up the ideals of Jubilee – to seek justice, mercy and peace through such actions as forgiving the debt of poor nations, eradicating the death penalty, diverting funds from military weapons to address hunger, and more. Likewise, Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., in concert with prelates and dioceses around the world, has invited us to celebrate the Jubilee Year and build up this local Church. There is so much that we can do both as members of this faith community and individual believers. Read more HERE.