I had the privilege of celebrating Mass at the Chancery for all the principals of our 31 Catholic schools in the Diocese on August 19, joined by superintendent Dr. Vincent Schmidt and assistant superintendents Daniel O’Connell and Bonnie Milecki from our Department of Catholic Schools. It was wonderful to experience their excitement and enthusiasm for the coming school year. The following day, I enjoyed meeting and having lunch at St. Gregory the Great Academy in Hamilton with the new teachers in our Catholic schools. They, too, expressed excitement to begin their work. Some were brand new at their profession while others were joining the Dioceses’ Catholic schools as “veterans” from other schools. I thanked both groups for their dedication, wished them success in their work and told them not to forget to “have fun”!
Prior to becoming Bishop of Trenton in 2010, I spent my entire priesthood in the work of Catholic education, teaching at a Catholic high school, at a seminary, at two Catholic universities and in administration —- academic dean, academic vice-president and president —- at three universities. I had never been a pastor and only substituted as a “summer” parish priest a few times. I often wondered if I’d ever “graduate” from school? Well. Pope Benedict XVI finally gave me an answer 14 years ago!