Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M. has released his Easter message for 2019, reminding us that even in it’s late arrival, “the actual date…does not change what Easter means for the Catholic, for the Christian.”
Easter places this faith and hope and love before our minds and hearts once... It’s not bunnies or candy in a basket or even a mere date in the Spring calendar of holidays that define Easter, as fun and enjoyable as those things may be.
Easter is about a journey to Jerusalem, a Passover meal, a washing of feet, an agony in the garden, a crowning with thorns, a betrayal by friends, a brutal sacrifice and crucifixion, a mother’s tears, a silent burial ... an empty tomb, the sight of folded cloths that once wrapped a dead body, a remembrance of prophecies made and almost forgotten, a doubtful hand placed in a man’s once fatal wounds, a Risen Lord and a promise fulfilled.