Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M. is calling upon the diocesan faithful to remember in prayer consecrated persons as the universal Church observes World Day for Consecrated Life Feb. 2.
World Day for Consecrated Life was established in 1997 by Pope St. John Paul II and is held annually Feb. 2, on the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. This Feast is also known as Candlemas Day; the day on which candles are blessed symbolizing Christ who is the light of the world. So too, those in consecrated life are called to reflect the light of Jesus Christ to all peoples. This year, World Day for Consecrated Life will be observed Feb. 2 and 3 at Masses throughout the United States.
In his annual message about World Day for Consecrated Life, Bishop O’Connell reflects about the history and impact of those in consecrated life in the Diocese of Trenton:
In the Diocese of Trenton, more than 2,600 religious women and men from 28 different religious orders have served here since its establishment in 1881. Even if the universal Catholic Church did not celebrate World Day for Consecrated Life, it would be most fitting for us to do so here. From the earliest days of our Diocese’s existence, religious sisters, brothers and priests established and taught in our Catholic schools, founded and ministered in our Catholic hospitals and nursing homes, worked and served in our Catholic parishes and other organizations created to meet the needs of the poor. They have been part of the life-blood of the Church in Central New Jersey. We owe them our most profound gratitude, prayer and support.
To read Bishop O’Connell’s message in full, click here, or you can listen to his podcast, found at the bottom of this page.
For more information and resources on consecrated life in the Diocese of Trenton, follow this link.
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