BISHOP DAVID M. O’CONNELL, C.M., HAS SHARED THIS MESSAGE as we approach the midway point of our Lenten journey.
The mid-point of Lent: Stay in your lane!
Here we are at the midpoint of our Lenten journey. How has it been going?
Living our Catholic faith takes practice all the time. But when we trip or fall, true believers pick themselves up, dust themselves off and carry on where they left off.
So it is with the holy season of Lent, that annual time of penance and grace the Church gives us. There are crosses and resurrections throughout these 40 days heading toward the commemoration of Christ’s own Cross and Resurrection. Perhaps we started off on Ash Wednesday with the very best of Lenten intentions and plans. And we may have stumbled on the way. But we shouldn’t give up on what we hoped and wanted to do for the Lord.
Read Bishop O’Connell’s full message HERE. BISHOP DAVID M. O’CONNELL, C.M., HAS ANNOUNCED the following clergy appointment: Rev. Brian Butch, from administrator of St. Anselm Parish, Wayside/Tinton Falls, to pastor, effective March 6, 2023.THE UNITED STATES CONFERENCE OF CATHOLIC BISHOPS’ ANNUAL CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES COLLECTION will take place in Diocese of Trenton parishes this year on the weekend of March 18-19.