Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., has issued the following message on the occasion the Holy Father’s 10th anniversary as Pope.
“Being Church means being God’s people, in accordance with the great plan of his fatherly love. This means that we are to be God’s leaven in the midst of humanity. It means proclaiming and bringing God’s salvation into our world, which often goes astray and needs to be encouraged, given hope and strengthened on the way. The Church must be a place of mercy freely given, where everyone can feel welcomed, loved, forgiven and encouraged to live the good life of the Gospel (Evangelii Gaudium, 114).” – Pope Francis
On behalf of the clergy, religious and lay faithful of the Diocese of Trenton, I extend our congratulations, very best wishes and promise of prayerful support to our Holy Father Pope Francis on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of his election to the Chair of St. Peter. May the Lord Jesus Christ, whose Vicar you are, continue to bless and strengthen you as you shepherd his Church. Ad multos annos, your Holiness! Most Reverend David M. O’Connell, C.M., J.C.D Bishop of TrentonBishop David M. O'Connell, C.M., and priests of the Diocese took a break from their work week and had a chance to become spiritually renewed during a Lenten Spirituality Day held March 9 in St. Luke Church, Toms River.
Hosted by the diocesan Office of Clergy and Consecrated Life, the day included a presentation by Msgr. Thomas Bohlin, followed by lunch and an opportunity for the priests to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Msgr. Bohlin is currently the assistant vicar for the Prelature of Opus Dei (Work of God) for the United State. From 2002 to 2022, he served as the U.S. vicar for the Prelature. He stepped down in May of 2022 from that position.
Bishop O’Connell shared his experience of the day, saying, “As Bishop, I am always encouraged to be in the presence of our priests at Advent and Lenten Spirituality Days. They are a “pause that refreshes” spiritually speaking. Our priests have the chance to focus their attention on some aspect of priestly life and ministry with their fellow priests. It is so important in these days to share priestly fraternity and fellowship. It has a direct influence on building community within our parishes and organizations.”
See the photo gallery HERE.The upcoming commemoration of Pope Francis’ 10th anniversary as pontiff is the joy-filled subject of The Monitor Magazine’s latest COVER and IN FOCUS section. We invite our readers to spend some reflecting on the many ways that the Pope has created a Legacy of Love in his guidance of the Church over this last decade.
As is so often the case, the latest issue offers coverage to inspire and empower our exercise of faith, which may be especially helpful at this mid-point of the current penitential season when some of us may need that little push to stay in our Lenten lane. We encourage readers to look for Bishop O’Connell’s essay on how to continue with our intentions of making a good Lent this year.
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