In response to news released May 21, 2024 on the appointment of a Coadjutor Bishop for the Diocese of Camden, Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M., issued the following remarks:
“On behalf of the clergy, religious and lay faithful of the Diocese of Trenton, I write to express congratulations and prayerful good wishes to Bishop Dennis Sullivan and the faithful community of our neighboring Diocese of Camden upon the appointment by our Holy Father Pope Francis of the Most Rev. Joseph A. Williams, until now the Auxiliary Bishop of St. Paul and Minneapolis, as Coadjutor Bishop of the Diocese of Camden.”
Bishop O’Connell explained that a Coadjutor Bishop is an Auxiliary Bishop who enjoys the right of immediate succession as Diocesan Bishop upon the acceptance of the latter’s retirement or resignation by the Pope. A Diocesan Bishop is required by canon law to submit his letter of resignation to the Pope at the age of 75 and the Holy Father may accept that resignation any time after that submission at his own discretion. Bishop Dennis Sullivan is currently 79 years of age.
Bishop Sullivan was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of New York in 1971 and appointed an Auxiliary Bishop there by Pope St. John Paul II in 2004 until 2013 when Pope Benedict XVI appointed him Bishop of Camden. Bishop O’Connell remarked that Bishop Sullivan “has been a great personal friend and source of encouragement and support to me since he became part of the New Jersey Catholic Conference in 2014. I have benefitted from his wisdom and experience over the years and have enjoyed his warmth and sense of humor.”
Bishop O’Connell continued, “I do not know Bishop Williams but look forward to meeting and working with him along with our brother bishops in New Jersey.”
According to his published profile, Bishop Williams, who is 50 years old, was ordained a priest for the Archdiocese of Minneapolis-St. Paul in 2002 and appointed Auxiliary Bishop there by Pope Francis in 2021. He is fluent in Spanish and has worked with the Hispanic community in his archdiocese for 15 years.