Bishop David M. O’Connell, C.M. reflected on the subject of joy after paying a visit to the Sisters of Life, June 23, at their Motherhouse in Suffern, New York. There, he celebrated Mass during which the renewal of vows for four of the sisters was conducted.
In an essay, the Bishop wrote: “What amazed me most was the youth of the Sisters! It was incredible to see at a time when women’s religious orders all over are struggling to attract new members. It didn’t take long to realize their secret: joy! The joy that comes with loving the Lord Jesus and giving your life to him.”
To read Bishop O’Connell’s full reflection about his visit to the Sisters of Life, click here.
Photo, from left to right: Mother Agnes Mary Donovan, S.V., Sr. Naomi Maria Magnificat Collins, S.V., Sr. Sophia Rodrian, S.V., Bishop David M. O'Connell, C.M., Sr. Virginia Joy Cotter, S.V., Sr. Claudia Marie den Tandt, S.V.
On June 24, Bishop O’Connell gathered with the Knights and Dames of Malta to celebrate Mass for the Feast of St. John the Baptist, the Order of Malta’s patron saint who serves as an inspiration to their ministries of caring for the sick and poor and defending the Catholic faith. The Mass was held in St. Catharine’s Church, Spring Lake.
The Knights and Dames, along with their guests, including priests invested in the order, venerated a relic of St. John the Baptist, and publically proclaimed the Order of Malta’s daily prayer, beseeching the Lord to “give me the strength I need to carry out this my resolve, forgetful of myself, learning ever from the holy Gospel a spirit of deep and generous Christian devotion, striving ever to promote God’s glory, the world’s peace and all that may benefit the Order.”
Click here to view the photo gallery from the Mass.
To read more about this special Mass, follow this link.