Throughout the journey, pilgrims followed
“Las Antorchas Guadalupanas (Guadalupe Torches)” as they traveled among Immaculate Conception Church, St. Anthony Church, St. Joseph Church and the Cathedral, where they were greeted by Bishop O’Connell before Mass. The seven torches began their journeys Nov. 4 when they were lighted by the Bishop during the
Diocesan Pilgrimage to Washington, D.C., and have since spent time in parishes across the Diocese.
After Mass, there was a celebration that included traditional Hispanic music, dances, food and more in the lower level of the Cathedral.
The Diocese live streamed the joyful event at its many stages throughout the morning. Those archived videos are available to view in full on the Diocese’s Spanish-language Facebook page,
Familia, Vive su Fe, as well as at
Look for comprehensive coverage of the Guadalupe pilgrimage later at and in the Dec. 14 print edition of The Monitor.