Welcome to the marriage preparation class brought to you by the Better Together program from Dynamic Catholic, a special free class designed exclusively for couples from the Diocese of Trenton who are unable to attend a live Pre-Cana class before their wedding due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
This class is meant to be completed with the guidance of a mentor couple of your choosing (see more about mentor couples below).
Before you begin, please read the instructions below carefully to ensure that the program is completed correctly. Please note that both parties (bride and groom) must fill out and submit separate answer sheets in order to fulfill your marriage prep requirement and receive your certificate of completion.
You can complete this special adaptation of the Better Together program safely in your homes and at your own pace. This program involves watching a series of six videos in each session, discussing the videos, completing the reflection exercises (and submitting them) separately for each session, and discussing your responses together.
We encourage regular check-ins either in-person or by video chat to discuss your responses with your mentor couple. You should also plan to share important insights you gain from this program with your priest or deacon (your preparer).
There are 12 Better Together Sessions altogether covering the full range of topics necessary to prepare couples for Catholic marriage. While only the first 5 sessions are needed to fulfill your marriage prep class requirement, we encourage you to complete all 12 sessions on your own as you will find this program extremely helpful in the first months and years of your marriage.
Your Mentor Couple
This program is designed to be completed with the guidance of an experienced Catholic married couple you admire who can serve as your mentors. You will choose your mentors with the approval of your priest or deacon and will invite them to complete the Better Together program themselves as they give witness to the joys and struggles all couples face in daily married life. CLICK HERE for a complete set of instructions for your mentors.
Questions? Contact Peg Hensler, Associate Director for Marriage Ministries and NFP, [email protected]; 609-403-7156.
Instructions: Please watch all six videos in Sessions 1 through 5 and complete the exercises corresponding to the videos on each session page (click on images below for session pages). Here are the links to the full set of videos for each session (also found on each session page):