Congratulations on your 25th wedding anniversary – the silver jubilee of your wedding!
Your 25th anniversary deserves a wonderful celebration, and the gratitude and recognition of your family, friends and parish community. Here you will find everything you need to celebrate your 25th anniversary in truly meaningful ways. You’ll learn the significance of silver for 25th anniversary celebrations, discover creative new anniversary traditions, receive inspiration and tools for the next 25 years and beyond, and find a special section devoted to Catholic marriage.
Silver Wedding Anniversary
Because marriage is a sacred and holy covenant, every wedding anniversary from the first to the 50th and beyond should be celebrated in a special way. Relationship experts agree that anniversary celebrations are as important as the wedding day. It’s a time to acknowledge all the blessings God has given you and to recognize your many accomplishments. It is also a time to recall the beauty of young love that first brought you together, establish special anniversary traditions that reflect the uniqueness of you relationship, recall all the hopes and dreams you've shared throughout your marriage, and create a new set of hopes and dreams for the future.
The Significance of Silver for 25th Wedding Anniversaries
The “Silver Wedding Anniversary” has ancient origins dating back to the Holy Roman Empire when, according to sources, husbands would give their wives a silver wreath to commemorate 25 years of marriage. Silver is precious, beautiful and durable and signifies these same qualities in a 25-year marriage.
Another important characteristic of silver is that it tarnishes with exposure to air but can easily be restored to its original beauty with some silver polish and human effort. In the same vein, marriage can be tarnished by exposure to harsh words and unkind behaviors, but with the assistance of God’s grace, couples can work together to restore the luster of their relationship, so it shines even brighter than before.
Silver Anniversary Gift Ideas: Because silver is so highly symbolic of the 25th wedding anniversary, here are just a few of many silver-themed gift ideas:
Silver candleholders and candles – symbolic of endurance, warmth and light
A vintage silver frame with a recent picture of you as a couple (to remember what you were like on your 25th anniversary)
Silver rosary beads, a silver cross or crucifix, a silver holy-water font (all of these items can easily be found online)
Purchase a silver (or silver metal) frame to display one of these items: a copy of one of the scripture readings from your wedding, a romantic poem, or a special prayer or blessing. You can also use silver ink to hand-letter one of these items for framing (click here for some specific ideas)
Other traditional gift items for 25th wedding anniversaries are two gemstones, tsavorite and green garnet, and two flowers, the iris and the rose. With today’s technology you can design and create a 25th anniversary commemorative book with your own photos and incorporate traditional silver anniversary images (roses, irises, etc.).
If you’re comfortable with technology you can easily create a video montage set to music with photos, short videos, and even a selfie video with your own personal anniversary wishes.
As a Catholic couple, one of the most special gifts you can give each other to commemorate your silver anniversary is a Papal Blessing parchment which can be ordered from the Vatican. Other religious gift ideas that you can create at home include printing out and framing one or more readings from your wedding or special household blessing.
Change things up at home – you can paint a bedroom, purchase some fun new outdoor furnishings, find colorful new pillows for your living room, plant a new tree or create your own prayer space.
Do something romantic at home – read poetry by candlelight, make a meal of all your favorites (even if they don’t go together) and maybe eat dessert first!
Have a day of service for each other by switching up your normal tasks or have a day of service for others (you can contact your parish for service opportunities).
Watch a movie or TV show together from 1995, the year you were married, or create a play list of favorite songs from 1995 then sit back and relax with a glass of wine.
Go on a nature walk or hike together and enjoy a picnic outdoors.
Attend morning mass together to thank God for each other
Spend time before the Blessed Sacrament together (begin the annual tradition of a Holy Hour for your anniversary)
Pray over the scripture readings from your wedding. Scripture is the living Word of God and will always speak to you differently – discover together what God is asking you to do right now in the present.
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Inspiration and Tools for the Journey
Catholic marriage is a process and a journey. It is a process because it is always evolving as couples move into each new stage of family life. It is a journey that couples travel together with many twists, turns and bumps along the way. Every Catholic marriage can benefit from the wisdom of experienced couples, Catholic theologians, pastoral workers and clergy, and experts in the field of Catholic marriage.
The various resources listed on this page represent the work of these specialists in Catholic marriage and were carefully selected to help enrich and sustain your marriage. We hope they are a source of inspiration and assistance for the next twenty-five years and beyond.
Great Books for Catholic Couples
Enriching Your Catholic Marriage:
The Four Keys to Everlasting Love, How Your Catholic Marriage Can Bring You Joy for a Lifetime, by Karee and Manuel Santos
Holy Sex, A Catholic Guide to Toe-Curling, Mind-Blowing, Infallible Loving, by Gregory K. Popcak, Ph.D
Sex Au Naturel, What It Is and Why It’s Good for Your Marriage, by Patrick Coffin
The Christian Way To Be Happily Married, by David Sanderlin, Ph.
Intimate Graces, How Practicing the Works of Mercy Brings Out the Best in Marriage, by Teresa Tomeo (Pastore) and Dominick Pastore
The Seven Levels of Intimacy, The Art of Loving and the Joy of Being Loved, by Matthew Kelly
The Five Love Languages, How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate, by Gary Chapman
Praying for (and with) Your Spouse, The Way to Deeper Love, by Dr. Greg and Lisa Popcak
Three Secrets to Holiness in Marriage, A 33-Day Self-Guided Retreat for Catholic Couples, by Dan and Amber Dematte
Loving for a Lifetime, 6 Essentials for a Happy, Healthy and Holy Marriage, Richard P. Johnson, Ph.D
Blessings for the Family (Your Domestic Church):
Sacred Dwelling, An Everyday Family Spirituality, by Wendy M. Wright
A Prayer Book for Catholic Families, Loyola Press
A Book of Prayers and Blessings, Edited by Brian Magee, C.M.
Prayers for the Domestic Church, A Handbook for Worship in the Home, by Edward Hays
Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
For a Deeper Understanding of Catholic Marriage:
Marriage – It’s A God Thing, by William P. Roberts
Theology of the Body for Beginners, A Basic Introduction to Pope John Paul II’s Sexual Revolution, by Christopher West
The 7 Spiritual Practices of Marriage, Your Guide to Creating a Deep and Lasting Love, by Kevin Anderson, Ph.D
Three to Get Married, by Fulton J. Sheen
For Better, For Worse, For God, Exploring the Holy Mystery of Marriage, by Mary Jo Pederson
A Daring Promise, A Spirituality of Christian Marriage, by Richard R. Gaillardetz
Joined by the Church, Sealed by a Blessing, Couples and Communities Called to Conversion Together, by Diana Macalintal and Nick Wagner
Men, Women and the Mystery of Love, Practical Insights from John Paul II’s Love and Responsibility, by Edward Sri
Great Websites and Videos for Catholic Couples - For Your Marriage is full-service website for Catholic marriage produced by the U. S. Conference of Catholic Bishop's to help couples in all stages of life to understand and live God’s plan for happy, holy marriages. On this site you'll find great content and the latest articles on the full range of topics for 25th annivesary couples, plus the Pope's Corner, reviews of the latest Catholic books, and a segment on Marriage Today.
Topics include: 1) Enriching Your Marriage, 2) Overcoming Adversity, 3) Sexuality and Conjugal Love, 4) Caregiving, 5) Family Dynamics, 6) The Domestic Church, and 7) Parenting
Better Together Marriage Enrichment Program - The Better Together program from Dynamic Catholic is a free service that covers all the topics associated with marriage in a 12-session series of videos along with couple's workbook to guide your discussions. it is equally effective for marriage preparation and marriage enrichment. Videos are short and impactful; total video time for all 12 sessions is less than 5 hours.
Topics include: 1) God's Dream for Marriage, 2) What Are Your Dreams? 3)The Expectations Gap, 4) Sevel Levels of Intimacy, 5) Conflict is Inevitable, 6) Prayer and Spirituality, 7) Sexuality, 8) Family, 9) Money, 10) The Most Important Word in a Marriage (Forgiveness), 11) Better Every Day, 12) On the Day (for engaged couples)
Beloved Video Series - Finding Happiness in Marriage - So you’ve shared an anniversary or two… or twenty… and you’ve learned a lot about yourselves and each other so far. But what if marriage is more than you think it is? What if God has woven into the very fabric of your humanity a purposeful need and desire that can only be fulfilled in your marriage?
In 12 stunning sessions, BELOVED uncovers the mystery and the meaning of the sacrament of marriage, inviting all couples to experience firsthand the wonder, mystery, and joy behind that first “I do”... whether you said it last year or many years ago. Originally created for marriage preparation, the BELOVED series is enriching and transforming marriages in homes across the globe.
Season 1, The Mystery and Meaning of Marriage; Session Titles: 1) Does Marriage Matter?, 2) Entering the Story of Marriage, 3) Love Revealed, 4) The Total Gift of Self, 5) A Sacramental Bond, 6) Real Challenges, Real Love
Season 2, Living Marriage; Session Titles: 1) Christ at the Center, 2) A Deeper Unity, 3) Conflict and Communication, 4) Building a Thriving Marriage, 5) Protecting the Bond, 6) Sexuality and Authentic Love
Catholic Marriage Advice - Date Your Spouse - Catholic Speakers Ken and Janelle Yasinski discuss the importance of dating your spouse. Why are our dates important to our marriage? It allows us time to talk without the kids interrupting. It communicates to the other spouse, you are important, you are my priority. It gives the chance for us to share how God has been working in our lives. The date with the spouse allows for the chance to ask question. Check in. Dating allows for friendship to grow.
Catholic Marriage (Our Rule of Life) - Ken and Janelle explain that great Catholic marriages don't just happen. A peaceful family life is not by chance. Looking for peace in the home? Then this Youtube video is for you.
Bishop Barron on the Sacrament of Marriage - Bishop Robert Barron shares his thoughts on Catholic marriage - "While we rejoice in their love for each other, the fact that [married couples] have now become living symbols of Christ the Bridegroom’s ecstatic love for his Bride, the Church has reason, in the very deepest sense, to give thanks.
A Note About Catholic Marriage
Catholic Marriage is unique among other marital relationships because it is a sacrament that makes Christ present in our world. The relationship between husband and wife mirrors the relationship of Jesus Christ for his people. In the Catholic tradition, husband and wife accept a role in God’s plan for humanity. They are ambassadors of God’s love, and they collaborate with God to keep humanity alive.
The vows exchanged by the couple are a sacred pact through which the spouses embrace each other, and, together, embrace Jesus as their partner. Through their union with Christ they participate in the unbreakable pact between God and humanity: the covenant that was sealed in the death and resurrection of Christ.
Catholic Marriage has four main dimensions. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (the complete teachings of Jesus and our Catholic faith) describes marriage as a “partnership of the whole of life.” Married couples are called to the deepest level of intimacy and friendship – a one-flesh union. They seek the good of each other, share interests, and genuinely enjoy spending time together.
Secondly, Catholic marriage is a covenant – married couples enter a sacred covenant, a promise to be faithful to each other unto death. This is not a private matter between the couple but is deeply connected to the Church that sustains and nourishes the couple. The Holy Spirit gives couples the grace (divine strength) to sustain their marital covenant.
The third characteristic of Catholic marriage is sacrament – it is a visible sign of the invisible reality of Christ’s love. It is the couple themselves who are ministers of the sacrament – they marry each other. Sacramental marriage implies that the couple will practice their faith and be active members of a parish community.
The fourth main dimension of Catholic marriage is that it is a vocation of service. Married couples, by their baptism, are called to serve each other, their children, their family members, their parish and neighborhood communities, and ultimately, the world. CLICK HERE to learn more about how you can serve together in your parish community.